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to go up, to rise, to ascend
Kabuka ga kyuusoku ni joushou shite iru.
The stock price is rising rapidly.
Kuuki ondo ga sarani joushou suru to yosou sareru.
The air temperature is expected to rise further.
to fail
Shippai suru koto de, watashitachi wa seichou shi manabu koto ga dekiru
By failing, we can grow and learn.
Shiken ni shippai suru no wa, jikai ni mukete kaizen suru tame no kikai desu
Failing an exam is an opportunity to improve for the next time.
to enter a school
Rainen, watashi no musume wa daigaku ni nyuugaku suru yotei desu.
My daughter is planning to enter university next year.
Kare wa chuugakkou ni nyuugaku suru no o tanoshimi ni shiteimasu.
He is looking forward to entering junior high school.
to compromise
Karera wa tagai ni dakyou suru koto de goui ni tasshita.
They reached an agreement by compromising with each other.
Dochira no iken mo ukeirerareru kekka o tsukuru tame ni, dakyou suru hitsuyou ga aru.
In order to produce a result that both opinions can accept, it is necessary to compromise.
to violate
Sono koui wa houritsu ni ihan shiteimasu
That action is in violation of the law.
Supīdo ihan o shita kekka, unten menkyo o ichijiteishi sareta
As a result of speeding violation, my driver's license was temporarily suspended.
to reflect
Iken ga giron ni han'ei sarete iru
Opinions are being reflected in the discussion.
Kono kekka wa, watashitachi no doryoku ga tekisetsu ni han'ei sareteimasu
This result reflects our efforts appropriately.
to do business, to be open
Kare wa mainichi kenmei ni eigyou shiteimasu.
He works hard doing sales every day.
Ano mise wa nenchuu mukyuu de eigyou shiteimasu.
That store is open all year round without any holidays.
to ask a question
Sensei ni shitsumon suru mae ni, jibun de shirabete mite kudasai
Please try to research on your own before asking a question to the teacher.
Ano hito ni, shitsumon suru no ga chotto kinchou shimasu
I get a little nervous when asking that person a question.
to be opposed
Ryou jin'ei wa iken ga tairitsu shiteiru
Both camps have opposing opinions.
Karera wa itsumo iken ga tairitsu suru node, goui ni tassuru koto ga muzukashii
They always have conflicting opinions, so it is difficult for them to reach an agreement.
to supplement, to add
Benkyou no jikan o tsuika suru koto ni shimashita
I decided to add more study time.
Yosan o tsuika suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
We need to add more budget.
to demand, to claim
Kare wa motto takai kyūryō o yōkyū suru tsumori da.
He intends to demand a higher salary.
Karera wa roudou jouken no kaizen o youkyuu shite sutoraiki o okonatta.
They went on strike demanding improvements in working conditions.
to cut
Kami o katto suru koto ni shita.
I decided to get my hair cut.
Kono shiin wa eiga kara katto sareta.
This scene was cut from the movie.
to arrange
Kanojo wa ryouri o jouzu ni arenji shite, oishiku narimashita.
She arranged the dish skillfully, making it more delicious.
Kono kyoku wa orijinaru-ban kara daitan ni arenji sarete imasu.
This song has been boldly arranged from the original version.
to publish, to issue, to bring out
Atarashii zasshi o hakko-suru yotei desu。
We plan to publish a new magazine.
Kono hon wa sakunen jūgatsu ni hakko-saremashita。
This book was published last October.
to download (IT term)
Kono ongaku apuri de sukina kyoku o daunro-do suru koto ga dekimasu
You can download your favorite songs using this music app.
Kyouzai o daunro-do shite, benkyou o hajimemashou
Let's download the materials and start studying.
to attack, to charge, to criticize
Teki o kougeki suru tame ni heishitachi wa zenshin shita.
The soldiers advanced to attack the enemy.
Gun wa tekikoku no kyoten o kougeki suru tame ni bakugekiki o tobashita.
The military sent bombers to attack the enemy country's base.
to kidnap
Kare wa yuukai sareru osore ga aru node, keisatsu wa kare o hogo shiteimasu.
Since he is in danger of being kidnapped, the police are protecting him.
Hanzaisha ni yuukai sareta shoujo ga buji ni mitsukarimashita.
The girl who was kidnapped by the criminal was found safe.
to promise
Ashita no kaigi ni shusseki suru koto o yakusoku shimasu.
I promise to attend tomorrow's meeting.
Kare ni buji ni kaeru to yakusoku shimashita.
I promised him to return home safely.
to go sightseeing
Kyuujitsu ni tomodachi to hanami ni iki, sakura o kenbutsu shimashita
On a holiday, I went cherry-blossom viewing with my friends and looked at the blossoms.
Natsu ni naru to, yukata o kite matsuri o kenbutsu shi ni ikimasu
In summer, I wear a yukata and go to see the festivals.
to intend to do, to make a goal
Kare wa kono keikaku ni warui ito o motte iru.
He has malicious intentions in this plan.
Kanojo ga itta koto wa watashi o kizutsukeru you ni ito shite ita no dewa?
Did she intend for her words to hurt me?
to guarantee, to warrant
Kono seihin wa ichi nenkan no hoshou ga arimasu
This product comes with a one-year warranty.
Kaisha wa kare no shigoto no shitsu o hoshou shimasu
The company guarantees the quality of his work.
to aid, to support, to encourage, to cheer
Kanojo wa chiisana kodomo-tachi o ouen suru borantia katsudou ni sanka shite iru.
She is participating in volunteer activities to support young children.
Karera wa jimoto no supootsu chiimu o nesshin ni ouen shite iru.
They enthusiastically support their local sports team.
to save money
Maitsuki itteigaku o chokin suru koto ga daiji desu.
It is important to save a fixed amount every month.
Shourai no tame ni, ima kara chokin suru koto ga juuyou desu.
For the future, it is important to start saving now.
to consult, to discuss
Sensei ni shinro no soudan o suru koto ni shimashita
I decided to consult with the teacher about my career path.
Chiimu no mondai ni tsuite, ridaa to soudan suru beki da to omoimasu
I think we should consult with the leader about the team's problems.
to be short of, to be lacking
Shikin ga fusoku shiteiru node, atarashii kiki o kau koto ga dekimasen
Due to insufficient funds, we cannot purchase new equipment.
Suimin ga fusoku shiteiru tame, shigoto no pafo-mansu ga teika shiteiru
The lack of sleep is causing a decline in work performance.
to reflect on oneself, to reconsider
Shippai o ki ni, jibun no koudou o hansei suru koto ga taisetsu desu.
It is important to reflect on one's actions in response to failure.
Mondai ga okotta ato de, minna ga issho ni hansei suru beki da.
After a problem has occurred, everyone should reflect together.
to choose, to select
Daigaku o sentaku suru sai ni, shinchou ni kangaeru koto ga taisetsu desu.
It's important to think carefully when choosing a university.
Shigoto o sentaku suru toki, jibun no tekisei o kouryo shinakereba narimasen.
When choosing a job, you must consider your own aptitude.
to defend, to testify for
Kare wa mujitsu no tsumi o kiserareta ga, bengoshi ga kare o bengo shitsuzuketa.
He was falsely accused, but his lawyer continued to defend him.
Kanojo wa yūjin ga waruguchi o iwarete iru no o mite, sugu ni sono yūjin o bengo shita.
Upon seeing her friend being bad-mouthed, she immediately defended her friend.
to set
Jikan ni nattara, jidou de araamu ga setto saremasu
When the time comes, the alarm will be automatically set.
Koohii o setto shite, shigoto ni torikakarimasu
I set up the coffee and start working.
to refuse, to reject, to deny
Kanojo wa kare no teian o kyohi shita.
She refused his proposal.
Watashitachi wa kare no youkyuu o kyohi suru koto ni kimeta.
We decided to refuse his demand.
to decrease
Kono chiiki no jinkou ga genshou shite iru.
The population in this region is decreasing.
Kankyouseisaku ni yotte nisankatanso no haishuryou ga genshou shita.
The amount of carbon dioxide emissions decreased due to environmental policies.
to recognize, to realize, to understand
Kanojo ga jibun no ayamachi o ninshiki suru you ni natta.
She came to recognize her own mistakes.
Watashitachi wa sono mondai no juuyousei o ninshiki suru beki da.
We should recognize the importance of this issue.
to study beforehand
Jugyou no mae ni yoshuu shite oku beki da.
You should prepare for class in advance.
Ashita no ressun no tame ni konya yoshuu shinakereba naranai.
I have to prepare for tomorrow's lesson tonight.
to practice, to excercise
Mainichi piano o renshuu suru no ga shuukan desu
It is a habit to practice the piano every day.
Eigo no hatsuon o renshuu suru tame ni risuningu ni tsutomemashita
I worked hard on listening to practice English pronunciation.
to quarrel, to fight
Karera wa yoku kenka suru.
They often quarrel.
Ane to otouto wa sakuya mo kenka shita.
The siblings quarreled again last night.
to control, to dominate
Kono kuni wa dokusaisha ni yotte shihai sarete iru.
This country is ruled by a dictator.
Kanojo wa kare no kimochi o kanzen ni shihai shite ita.
She completely dominated his feelings.
to use regularly, to patronize
Kare wa kono burando no kaban o aiyou shite iru
He loves using bags from this brand.
Kanojo wa, sono pafyu-mu o aiyou shite iru
She loves using that perfume.
to recommend
Watashi wa kanojo o shigoto ni suisen shimasu
I will recommend her for the job.
Sensei ga watashi o daigaku no suisenjou o kaite kureru koto o kimeta
The teacher decided to write me a letter of recommendation for the university.
to hug
Kanojo ni hagu o suru to, kimochi ga sukkiri suru.
When I hug her, my feelings become refreshed.
Tomodachi to hagu o suru koto de shinmitsu na kankei ga kizukeru.
A close relationship can be built by hugging friends.
to be reconciled with
Kare to watashi wa ronsou no ato de wakai dekimashita.
After the argument, he and I were able to reconcile.
Ryousha wa saiban ni naru mae ni wakai ni goui shimashita.
Both parties agreed to settle before the case went to court.
to review, to go over
Kyou no ressun no ato de, fukushuu suru yotei desu
I plan to review after today's lesson.
Tesuto mae ni wa, shikkari to fukushuu suru koto ga taisetsu desu
It is important to review thoroughly before a test.
to submit, to present
Kare wa repōto o kigennai ni teishutsu shinakereba naranai
He must submit the report within the deadline.
Watashi wa ashita, ronbun o teishutsu suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
I need to submit my thesis tomorrow.
to assist, to help, to support, to aid
Kare wa sono chiiki no hatten no tame ni enjo o suru tsumori da.
He intends to provide assistance for the development of that region.
Sekaijuu no kuniguni ga saigai no ato de hisaisha o enjo suru doryoku o shite iru.
Countries around the world are making efforts to help disaster victims after the catastrophe.
to produce, to manufacture
Kono koujou de wa jidousha o seisan shite iru.
This factory produces automobiles.
Nihon wa sekai no handoutai o takusan seisan shite iru.
Japan produces a large number of semiconductors in the world.
to release, to set a prisoner free
Kono machi wa youyaku sensou kara kaihou sareta
This town was finally liberated from the war.
Roudousha-tachi wa sakushu kara kaihou sareru koto o motomete iru
The workers are demanding to be liberated from exploitation.
to make use of
Riyou suru koto de, jikan o setsuyaku dekimasu
By utilizing it, you can save time.
Koukyou koutsuu o riyou suru no ga, kankyou ni yasashii houhou desu
Using public transportation is an environmentally friendly method.
to take charge of
Konkai no purojekuto o tantou suru koto ni narimashita
I have become in charge of this project.
Kakubumon kara hitori zutsu, kono tasuku o tantou suru hito ga erabareta
One person from each department was chosen to be in charge of this task.
to import
Sono shouhin wa kaigai kara yunyuu suru hitsuyou ga arimasu.
That product needs to be imported from abroad.
Kono kaisha wa kouhinshitsu no kagu o yōroppa kara yunyuu shiteimasu.
This company imports high-quality furniture from Europe.
to go on a business trip
Konshuu, Toukyou e shucchou suru yotei desu.
I am planning to go on a business trip to Tokyo this week.
Kare wa yoku kaigai e shucchou suru.
He often goes on business trips abroad.
to understand, to comprehend
Kare no itte iru koto wa muzukashikute rikai suru no ni jikan ga kakaru.
What he is saying is difficult, and it takes time to understand.
Sono bun no imi o rikai suru tame ni nando mo yomikaeshita.
I read the sentence over and over to understand its meaning.
to divorce
Karera wa rikon suru koto o kettei shita.
They decided to get a divorce.
Rikon suru mae ni, kappuru wa kaunseringu o ukeru koto o kentou shita.
Before getting a divorce, the couple considered receiving counseling.
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