Japanese essentials
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to access (IT related)
Moyori no eki kara akusesu suru no ga benri desu
It is convenient to access from the nearest station.
Kono uebusaito ni akusesu suru tame ni wa, pasuwādo ga hitsuyou desu
You need a password to access this website.
to develop, to exploit
Atarashii gijutsu o kaihatsu suru noni ōku no jikan ga kakarimasu
It takes a lot of time to develop new technologies.
Sono kaisha wa shinseihin no kaihatsu o susumete iru
The company is working on the development of new products.
to exchange
Kanojo to me-ru adoresu o koukan shita
I exchanged email addresses with her.
Kitte shuushuuka-tachi wa kitte o koukan suru koto ga yoku arimasu
Stamp collectors often exchange stamps.
to be released from a hospital
Byouki ga yoku natte, ashita tsuini taiin suru.
My illness has improved, and I'm finally being discharged from the hospital tomorrow.
Kare wa isshuukan-go ni taiin suru yotei da.
He is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital a week later.
to rest, to take a break
Shigoto no aima ni kyuukei suru koto ga hitsuyou desu
It is necessary to take a break between work.
Nagan jikan unten shita ato de, kyuukei suru koto o osusume shimasu
It is recommended to take a break after driving for a long time.
to average, to balance
Sono shiken de wa, heikin suru to tensuu wa nanajuu ten ni narimasu
The average score for that exam is 70 points.
Kono chiiki de wa, kion wa nenkan o tooshite heikin suru to nijuu do ni narimasu
In this area, the temperature averages 20 degrees throughout the year.
to be careful of, to pay attention to
Chuui suru koto de, mondai o yokeru koto ga dekimasu
By paying attention, you can avoid problems.
Taisetsu na mono o nakusanai you ni, chuui suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
You need to be careful not to lose important things.
to explain
Sono mondai ni tsuite setsumei suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
It is necessary to explain about that problem.
Watashi wa sono houhou o setsumei suru koto ga dekimasu
I can explain that method.
to destroy, to break, to ruin
Kare wa okotte kabe ni ana wo akeru hodo chikara de hakai shita.
He was so angry that he destroyed the wall with enough force to make a hole in it.
Shinrin wo hakai suru koto wa chikyuu ondanka ni akueikyou wo ataeru.
Destroying forests has a negative impact on global warming.
to be elected
Kare wa senkyo de tōsen suru mikomi ga takai.
He has a high chance of winning the election.
Tōsen shitara, donna seisaku o jikkō shimasu ka?
If you get elected, what policies will you implement?
to kick
Kare wa booru o tsuyoku kikku shita.
He kicked the ball hard.
Gooru ni mukatte booru o kikku suru shunkan wa kinchou suru.
Kicking the ball towards the goal makes me nervous.
to warn
Yuujin ga watashi ni kareshi ni tsuite no chuukoku o shita.
My friend advised me about my boyfriend.
Joushi ni, shigoto no susumekata ni kanshite chuukoku saremashita.
My boss advised me on how to proceed with my work.
to decide, to make up one's mind
Atarashii shigoto ni chousen suru kesshin o katameta
I made up my mind to take on a new job challenge.
Kanojo wa daietto o hajimeru to kesshin shimashita
She decided to start dieting.
to change, to alter, to be transformed
Kikou ga henka suru koto de, nousakumotsu ni eikyou ga deru koto ga aru.
Changes in climate can affect crops.
Kare no taido ga kyuu ni henka suru koto ni odoroita.
I was surprised by the sudden change in his attitude.
to reclaim, to exploit, to develop
Atarashii bun'ya o kaitaku suru koto de, kaisha ga seichou suru
The company grows by developing new fields.
Mujintou o kaitaku suru keikaku ga susumerarete iru
Plans are underway to develop the uninhabited island.
to make a telephone call
Tomodachi ni denwa shite kyou no yotei o kakunin suru tsumori da.
I plan to call my friend and confirm today's schedule.
Kaigi ga owattara, joushi ni denwa shite houkoku shinakereba narimasen.
After the meeting, I must call my boss to report.
to be anxious, to feel uneasy
Yuujin ga byouki de yasunde iru node, shinpai shiteimasu
My friend is taking a break due to illness, so I'm worried.
Kanojo wa shiken no kekka ga ki ni natte shinpai shiteiru yousu da
She seems to be worried about the results of the exam.
to be active
Kare wa chiiki shakai de borantia katsudou o suru
He does volunteer activities in the local community.
Kanojo wa kankyō hogo no tame ni katsudou shite iru
She is working for environmental protection.
to observe, to take notice of
Kare no supi-chi ni wa chumoku suru kachi ga aru.
His speech is worth paying attention to.
Saikin no igakukai de wa atarashii chiryouhou ga chumoku sarete iru.
The recent medical world has been focusing on new treatment methods.
to confirm, to ascertain
Shikenmae ni, kyoukasho o mou ichido kakunin suru koto o osusume shimasu
Before the exam, it is recommended to check the textbook once again.
Shuppatsu mae ni yoyaku o kakunin suru hitsuyou ga arimasu
It is necessary to confirm the reservation before departure.
to vote, to cast a ballot
Senkyo de touhyou suru no wa shimin no gimu desu
Voting in an election is a citizen's duty.
Kotoshi no senkyo de dare ni touhyou suru ka kimemashita ka?
Have you decided who you will vote for in this year's election?
to use, to employ
Kono dougu o shiyousuru houhou o oshiete kudasai
Please teach me how to use this tool.
Kono shisutemu o shiyousuru toki, pasuwādo ga hitsuyou desu
A password is required when using this system.
to achieve, to attain, to accomplish
Mokuhyou o tassei suru tame ni wa, mainichi doryoku o tsudukeru koto ga taisetsu da
In order to achieve your goals, it is important to continue making efforts every day.
Kare wa tassei suru to kimeta mokuhyou ni mukatte isshou kenmei hataraite iru
He is working hard toward the goal he has decided to achieve.
to attend
Jugyou ni shusseki suru no wa taisetsu desu
It is important to attend classes.
Kyou no kaigi ni shusseki suru yotei desu
I plan to attend today's meeting.
to invade
Sono kuni wa kinrin no kuni o shinryaku suru tsumori datta.
That country was planning to invade neighboring countries.
Karera wa sono tochi o shinryaku suru tame ni guntai o haken shita.
They dispatched troops to invade the land.
to keep
Kanojo no kokoro o kīpu suru tame ni doryoku shiteimasu
I am making efforts to keep her heart.
Kono shigoto o kīpu suru koto ga muzukashii
It is difficult to keep this job.
to wash (clothes)
Sentakuki de sentaku shite iru aida ni, suupaa e kaimono ni ikou
While washing clothes in the washing machine, let's go shopping at the supermarket.
Sentakumono o hosu mae ni, shikkari to mizu o shiborou
Before hanging the laundry to dry, make sure to wring out the water well.
to order (goods, food)
Chuumon suru mae ni, menyu- o yoku mite kudasai.
Please look at the menu carefully before ordering.
Kono apuri de kantan ni chuumon suru koto ga dekimasu.
You can easily order using this app.
to extend, to lengthen
Shiai wa enchou-sen ni haitta.
The game went into extra innings.
Koushou ga nankou shi, kigen o enchou suru koto ni natta.
The negotiations were difficult, and the deadline was extended.
to appreciate
Yoru no utsukushii keshiki o kanshou suru no ga suki desu
I like admiring the beautiful night scenery.
Iro azayaka na hanabi o kanshou suru no wa tanoshii
Watching colorful fireworks is enjoyable.
to decide, to determine
Kaigi de rainendo no yosan o kettei suru hitsuyou ga aru
It is necessary to decide on the budget for the next fiscal year in the meeting.
Kare no puropoozu o ukereba, jinsei ga kettei suru shunkan da
If I accept his proposal, it will be the moment my life is decided.
to start
Rēsu ga sutāto suru jiten de, kare no shōri wa kakujitsu datta.
At the point when the race started, his victory was certain.
Atarashii purojekuto o sutāto suru mae ni keikaku o tatemashou.
Let's make a plan before starting a new project.
to make war
Kono kuni wa takoku to sensou suru koto o yokeru tame ni heiwa o juushi shite iru.
This country prioritizes peace in order to avoid waging war with other countries.
Seifu wa mirai no sedai no tame ni sensou suru koto no nai sekai o mezashite iru.
The government is aiming for a world without war for the sake of future generations.
to pass an examination
Kotoshi no shiken ni goukaku suru tame ni isshoukenmei benkyou shiteimasu
I am studying hard to pass this year's exam.
Kanojo wa daigaku ni goukaku suru koto ga dekiru to shinjiteiru
I believe she can pass the university entrance exam.
to explore
Michi no tochi o tanken suru no wa kyoumi bukai keiken desu
Exploring unknown lands is an interesting experience.
Kare wa Afurika tairiku o tanken suru boukenka toshite shirareteimasu
He is known as an adventurer who explores the African continent.
to absorb
Kare wa atarashii chishiki o subayaku kyuushuu suru nouryoku o motte iru
He has the ability to quickly absorb new knowledge.
Kono shokubutsu wa suibun o yoku kyuushuu suru
This plant absorbs water well.
to appraise, to value
Shigoto no seika o hyouka suru houhou o kangaeru hitsuyou ga aru.
We need to think about a method to evaluate work results.
Kare no doryoku wa takaku hyouka sareteimasu.
His efforts are highly appreciated.
to count, to calculate, to sum up
Kono mondai no kotae o keisan shite kudasai
Please calculate the answer to this problem.
Yosan o haaku suru tame ni, subete no keihi o keisan shinakereba narimasen
In order to grasp the budget, all the expenses must be calculated.
to leave for one's new post
Raishuu, atarashii busho ni funin suru koto ni narimashita.
I will be assigned to a new department next week.
Sensei wa, chihou no gakkou ni funin suru tame, Toukyou o hanaremasu.
The teacher will leave Tokyo to take up a post at a school in the countryside.
to make out an application
Biza o shinsei suru tame ni, shorui o soroenakereba narimasen
In order to apply for a visa, you must gather the required documents.
Shougakukin o shinsei suru ni wa, shotei no tetsuzuki o okonau hitsuyou ga arimasu
To apply for a scholarship, you must go through the prescribed procedures.
to be realized, to come true
Kare no yume wa itsuka jitsugen suru deshou.
His dream will come true someday.
Kono purojekuto o jitsugen suru tame ni wa, zen'in no kyouryoku ga hitsuyou desu.
In order to realize this project, the cooperation of everyone is necessary.
to agree, to approve
Kare no an ni wa sansei suru
I agree with his proposal.
Sono iken ni wa sansei shimasu
I agree with that opinion.
to begin selling, to put on the market
Kono shouhin wa raishuu hatsubai suru yotei desu.
This product is scheduled to be released next week.
Sono eiga no DVD wa, mou sugu hatsubai saremasu.
The DVD of that movie will be released soon.
to bring in, to introduce
Atarashii gijutsu o kaisha ni dounyuu suru koto o kentou shiteimasu.
We are considering introducing new technology to the company.
Sono kigyou wa saishin no shisutemu o dounyuu suru yotei desu.
The company plans to introduce the latest system.
to revenge
Kare wa katsute no teki ni taishite fukushuu suru ketsui o katameta.
He was determined to take revenge on his former enemy.
Kanojo wa uragirareta node, kare ni fukushuu suru koto o chikatta.
She swore to take revenge on him for betraying her.
to nominate, to designate
Kare o chiimu riidaa to shite shimei suru koto ni shimashita.
We decided to nominate him as the team leader.
Shachou ga atarashii purojekuto no menbaa o shimei shimashita.
The president nominated the members for the new project.
to relay (a broadcast)
Taikai no yousu ga terebi de chuukei sarete iru
The competition is being broadcasted on TV.
Tomodachi ga sumaho de raibu o chuukei shite kureta
My friend live-streamed the concert for me on their smartphone.
to export
Kono seihin wa omoni Amerika ni yushutsu sarete iru.
This product is mainly exported to the United States.
Nihon wa sono gijutsu o sekaichuu ni yushutsu shite iru.
Japan is exporting its technology to the world.
to be absent
Kare wa kaze de gakkou o kesseki shimashita
He was absent from school due to a cold.
Hanashiai ni kesseki suru baai wa, jizen ni tsutaete kudasai
Please let us know in advance if you will be absent from the discussion.
to spend (expenditures)
Seikatsuhi o shishutsu suru tame ni hataraiteimasu.
I am working to pay for my living expenses.
Kongetsu wa muda na hiyou o shishutsu shinai you ni shiyou.
Let's try not to spend unnecessary expenses this month.
to be confused, to be in disorder
Sono nyuusu ni yotte hitobito wa konran shite shimatta.
People became confused due to that news.
Ikinari no sukejuuru no henkou ni, kare wa konran shite shimatta.
He got confused due to the sudden schedule change.
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