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to differ, to be wrong
Kare no iken to watashi no iken wa chigau.
His opinion and my opinion are different.
Kore wa kinou mita hon to chigau.
This is not the same book I saw yesterday.
to bring up, to raise, to rear
Kodomo o kenkou ni sodateru koto ga oya no sekinin desu.
It is a parent's responsibility to raise their child healthily.
Oya wa kodomo o shakaijin toshite sodateru beki da.
Parents should raise their children to become members of society.
to visit
Kanojo no ie o tazuneru toki, kanojo wa ureshisou datta.
When I visited her house, she seemed happy.
Tomodachi ga gaikoku ni ryuugaku shiteiru node, natsuyasumi ni tazune ni iku yotei da.
My friend is studying abroad, so I plan to visit them during the summer vacation.
to dissolve
Tamago o yoku toite kara, komugiko o kuwaemasu.
Beat the eggs well before adding flour.
Gyunyuu ni tamago o toite ireru.
Mix the beaten eggs into the milk.
to dry
Sētā o kawakasu tame ni taiyou no shita ni hosu
I hang the sweater under the sun to dry it.
Kami o taoru de karuku kawakasu
Lightly dry your hair with a towel.
to burn, to grill
Sakana o yaite yuushoku ni shiyou.
Let's grill the fish for dinner.
Yakitate no pan ga oishii.
Freshly baked bread is delicious.
to be lost, to be in doubt, to be captivated
Dono michi o erabeba ii ka mayotteimasu.
I am hesitating about which road to choose.
Shourai no shinro ni tsuite mayotteiru.
I am uncertain about my future path.
to hand, to give, to transfer
Kare ni purezento o watashimashita
I handed a present to him.
Shorui no taba o tsugi no hito ni watashite kudasai
Please pass the stack of documents to the next person.
to invite, to ask, to tempt
Kanojo wa tomodachi o paatii ni sasotta.
She invited her friends to the party.
Eiga ni ikanai ka to kare wa watashi o sasotta.
He invited me to go to the movies.
to forget, to leave a thing behind
Wasureru koto naku, yakusoku o mamorimashou
Let's keep our promises without forgetting them.
Kare wa yoku namae o wasureru
He often forgets names.
to become
Kare wa isha ni naru koto o yume mite iru.
He dreams of becoming a doctor.
Doryoku shite, itsuka seikou suru hito ni naritai desu.
I want to become a successful person someday through efforts.
to sprinkle, to seed
Hanabira o maku
Scatter flower petals.
Tane o maku jiki ga kita
The time has come to sow seeds.
to be built
Ano basho ni atarashii ie ga tatsu no o tanoshimi ni shite iru.
I am looking forward to a new house being built in that area.
Kono ie wa junchou ni tatte imasu.
This house is being built smoothly.
to be jealous
Yuushoku no yakizakana ga yakemashita.
The grilled fish for dinner is cooked.
Haioku o miru to, heya ga subete yakete imashita.
When I saw the abandoned house, all the rooms were burned.
to come, to arrive
Ashita tomodachi ga asobi ni kuru koto ni natta.
It has been decided that my friend is coming over to play tomorrow.
Kare wa kono ibento ni maitoshi kuru.
He comes to this event every year.
to eat, to live on
Kyou wa yasai o takusan tabetai.
I want to eat a lot of vegetables today.
Kare wa sushi o taberu no ga daisuki desu.
He loves to eat sushi.
to set up
Kono heya ni mado o moukeru koto ni shita.
We decided to install a window in this room.
Kaisha wa juugyouin no tame ni kyuukei supeesu o moukemashita.
The company provided a break space for employees.
to make (time), to cut
Jikan o saite benkyou ni shuuchuu shimashou.
Let's set aside time to focus on studying.
Kanojo wa shuumatsu ni jikan o saite borantia katsudou o shiteimasu.
She spends time volunteering on weekends.
to resign, to retire
Shigoto o yameru koto o kimemashita
I decided to quit my job.
Kare wa karou de kaisha o yameru koto ni natta
He had to quit the company due to overwork.
to be, to stay
Kare ga heya ni iru.
He is in the room.
Watashi no tomodachi wa, Nihon ni iru.
My friend is in Japan.
to go out, to set off (to)
Ame ga futte iru node, kasa o motte dekakemasu.
Since it is raining, I will go out with an umbrella.
Kyou wa tomodachi to kaimono ni dekakeru yotei desu.
Today, I am planning to go shopping with my friend.
to cry (birds, insects), to bark, to roar, to mew
Sono tori wa utsukushii nakigoe de naku.
The bird chirps with a beautiful call.
Inu ga yonaka ni totsuzen naku node, okite shimatta.
The dog suddenly barked in the middle of the night, so I woke up.
to catch
Ano sakana o torou to suru dansei wa totemo jouzu da.
The man trying to catch that fish is very skilled.
Kare wa tondeiru chouchou o toraeru koto ga dekita.
He was able to catch the flying butterfly.
to beat, to defeat
Kare wa shiai de yabureta
He was defeated in the match.
Saigo no shunkan ni yabureru no wa totemo kuyashii
It is very frustrating to be defeated at the last moment.
to sit down, to take a seat
Kare wa sofa ni suwatte terebi o mite ita.
He was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
Kanojo wa kusa o funde suwarikonda.
She stepped on the grass and sat down.
to go up, to rise, to get nervous, to finish, to enter
Gakkou ga owaru to, minna no kibun ga agatta.
When school ended, everyone's mood lifted.
Kanojo ga utaihajimeru to, shuui no tenshon ga agatta.
When she started singing, the excitement around her increased.
to match, to fit
Kokoro ga au tomodachi to nagai aida tsukiatte imasu.
I have been in a long-term relationship with a friend whose hearts match mine.
Shokuzai ga umaku atte, oishii ryouri ga dekimashita.
The ingredients combined well, resulting in a delicious dish.
to postpone, to extend
Shimekiri o nobasu koto ni shimashita.
We decided to extend the deadline.
Kare wa kaigi no kaishi jikan o nobashite, zen'in ni jijou o setsumei shita.
He postponed the meeting start time and explained the situation to everyone.
to be tired of, to fed up with
Onaji shigoto o tsudzuketeiru to akiru koto ga aru.
Continuing the same job can sometimes make you bored.
Kare wa kantan ni akiru seikaku desu.
He has a personality that gets bored easily.
to attempt, to deceive
Kare wa sono mondai o kaiketsu suru houhou o hakatte iru.
He is trying to figure out a way to solve the problem.
Yuujin to no kyori o chijimeru houhou o hakaranakereba naranai.
We need to figure out a way to close the distance with friends.
to need
Kono shigoto o suru ni wa tokubetsu na sukiru ga iru
This job requires special skills.
Ima sugu koko ni kuru hito ga iru node, oshiete kudasai
Please tell me who is needed to come here right away.
to shoot
Kare wa tooku no mato o utsu no ga jouzu desu.
He is good at shooting distant targets.
Juu de hannin o utsu mae ni, mazu koushou suru beki datta.
Before shooting the criminal with a gun, we should have negotiated first.
to make a mistake
Mondai o machigaeru koto de, manabu koto ga dekiru
By making mistakes in problems, we can learn.
Machigaiyasui node, chuui shite kudasai
Please be careful, as it is easy to make mistakes.
to be broken, to be damaged, to be out of order
Kare no jitensha wa furukute sugu ni kowareru
His bicycle is old and breaks easily.
Shashin no fure-mu ga ochite, kowarete shimatta
The photo frame fell and got broken.
to part, to separate from, to be divided
Naganen no yuujin to michi ga wakareru koto ni natta
I ended up parting ways with a long-time friend.
Kono kousaten de michi ga wakarete iru node, migigawa no michi ni susunde kudasai
At this intersection where the road splits, please proceed on the right road.
to refuse, to decline, to ask permission, to warn
Kare no sasoi o kotowaru koto ni shita.
I decided to refuse his invitation.
Sono shigoto o hikiukeru ka kotowaru ka, mou sugu kimenakereba naranai.
I have to decide soon whether to take up or refuse that job.
to shut, to close, to tie, to fasten
Kaeru mae ni, mado to to o shimeru koto o wasurenai de kudasai.
Before leaving, please don't forget to close the windows and doors.
Kaigi o shimeru tame ni, gijou ga saigo no hatsugen o motometa.
To conclude the meeting, the chair requested final remarks.
to sing
Kanojo wa utsukushii koe de utau.
She sings with a beautiful voice.
Kare wa bando de gitā o hikinagara utau.
He sings while playing the guitar in a band.
the day breaks
Yoru ga akeru to, toritachi ga utaihajimeru.
When the night breaks, the birds start singing.
Shinnen ga akeru to, minna de oiwai o shita.
When the New Year came, everyone celebrated together.
to do, to give, to send
Kono shigoto o yaru no wa kare ga tekinin da.
He is the right person to do this job.
Kare wa shukudai o yaru mae ni terebi o miru.
He watches TV before doing his homework.
to hold in mouth
Kare wa pen o kuwaete, ryoute o tsukatte pasokon o ugokashiteita.
He was holding a pen in his mouth and using both hands to operate the computer.
Kanojo wa koppu o kuchi ni kuwaete hakondeita.
She was carrying a cup by holding it in her mouth.
to hurry
Densha ni noriokurenai you ni isoide eki e mukatta
I hurried to the station so I wouldn't miss the train.
Teishutsu kigen ga chikakatta node, kare wa repo-to o isoide kaita
Because the submission deadline was near, he hurriedly wrote the report.
to look like, to resemble
Kare wa chichioya ni yoku niteiru.
He looks a lot like his father.
Kono e wa jitsubutsu ni niteimasu ne.
This painting looks like the real thing, doesn't it?
to find, to discover, to look for
Maigo no inu o mitsukeru koto ga dekimashita.
I was able to find the lost dog.
Kare wa kotae o mitsukeru doryoku o tsuzukemashita.
He continued to make efforts to find the answer.
to fly
Sakana o ageru no ni kono abura ga saiteki da.
This oil is perfect for frying fish.
Watashi wa poteto o ageru no ga jouzu desu.
I am good at frying potatoes.
to grow, to improve
Seichou ga hayaku, kare no shinchou wa sugu ni nobiru darou.
His growth is fast, so his height will likely grow quickly.
Kaminoke ga nobiru no ga hayasugite, yoku sanpatsu ni ikanai to ikemasen.
My hair grows too fast, so I have to get a haircut often.
to lose weight, to become thin, to become infertile
Daietto de ganbatte, 5-kiro yaseru koto ga dekimashita.
I worked hard on my diet and managed to lose 5 kilograms.
Undou shinagara baransu no totta shokuji o kokorogake, sukoshi zutsu yaseru koto ga taisetsu da.
While exercising, it's important to be mindful of a balanced diet and gradually lose weight.
to catch, to grasp, to take hold of
Kare wa booru o tsukamu koto ga dekimasen deshita.
He was unable to grab the ball.
Inu ni tabemono o tsukamarenai you ni, teeburu no ue ni oita.
I put the food on the table so the dog couldn't grab it.
to ask a person to do, to rely on, to reserve (tickets)
Watashi wa kare ni sono shigoto o tanomu tsumori da.
I intend to ask him to do the job.
Nanika komatta koto ga attara, itsu demo watashi ni tanomu koto ga dekimasu.
If you ever have any problems, feel free to ask me for help.
to have an effect on
Kare wa shitsumon ni kotaeru no ga jouzu desu
He is good at answering questions.
Sensei ni dasareta mondai ni kotaeru tame ni, isshoukenmei kangaemashita
I thought hard to answer the question given by the teacher.
to line up, to arrange, to display
Hon o tana ni naraberu.
I arrange the books on the shelf.
Suupaa no shouhin o chinretsu tana ni naraberu.
I arrange the supermarket products on the display shelf.
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