Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb ないまでも (Verb nai made mo)

'Even if not to the extent of...', 'although not completely...'.


Verb-ない form + までも



Subete o rikai shinai made mo, kihonteki na koto wa wakatte hoshii.

Even if you don't understand everything, I'd like you at least to grasp the basics.


Aenai made mo, denwa de koe o kikitai.

Even if we can’t meet, I still want to hear your voice over the phone.


Mainichi wa muri ni shite mo, shū ni ichido kurai wa jogingu o tsuzuketai.

Even if I can't do it every day, I want to at least keep jogging once a week.


Zen'in ni ki ni irarenai made mo, seijitsu ni mukiai tai.

Even if not everyone will like me, I still want to face them sincerely.

Long Explanation

The pattern ないまでも is used when acknowledging that something doesn’t reach a certain extreme, but at least some part or degree of it applies. Often translated as 'even if not entirely...' or 'though not as far as...'.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Verb ないまでも (Verb nai made mo)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb ないまでも (Verb nai made mo)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point Verb ないまでも (Verb nai made mo). This structure is used to express that even if something doesn't reach a certain extreme, there's still some degree or alternative that applies. It's similar to saying "even if not..., at least..." in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


Verb ないまでも is used to indicate:

  • "Even if not (Verb), at least..."
  • "Without (Verb), we can still..."
  • "Even if we don't (Verb), we should/want to..." It emphasizes that while the ideal or extreme action doesn't occur, a lesser or more realistic action should or does happen.


Formation Diagram

Verb (ない form) + までも
  • Verb (ない form): The negative plain form of the verb (e.g., 行かない, 食べない, 言わない).
  • までも: A particle meaning "even if to the extent of not..."

Examples of Verb (ない form) + までも

Verb (Dictionary Form) Verb (ない Form) Combined Form Meaning
行く (iku) 行かない (ikanai) 行かないまでも Even if not go
食べる (taberu) 食べない (tabenai) 食べないまでも Even if not eat
言う (iu) 言わない (iwanai) 言わないまでも Even if not say

Detailed Explanation

  • Contrast Between Ideal and Reality: The structure sets up a contrast between an unrealized ideal (verb in negative form) and a more attainable action or state.

  • Expectation of Lesser Action: It implies that while the extreme action isn't expected, something less than that should still occur.

  • Usage Context: Often used to suggest a compromise or to encourage at least minimal action.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

Verb なくても (Verb nakutemo)

  • Structure: Verb (ない form) + くても
  • Meaning: "Even if not (Verb)...", "Even without (Verb)..."
  • Difference: なくても simply states that even if an action doesn't occur, the result is unaffected. ないまでも implies that while the action doesn't reach an extreme, something lesser should still happen. Example:
  • 行かなくてもいい。 (You don't have to go.)
  • 行かないまでも、連絡はしてください。 (Even if you don't go, at least contact me.)

Verb ないにしても (Verb nai ni shite mo)

  • Structure: Verb (ない form) + にしても
  • Meaning: "Even if not (Verb)...", "Even though not (Verb)..."
  • Difference: ないにしても often introduces an alternative or acknowledges a condition, whereas ないまでも emphasizes a lesser degree of the same action. Example:
  • 全員参加できないにしても、できるだけ集まりましょう。 (Even if not everyone can participate, let's gather as many as possible.)

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 彼女に直接会えないまでも、メールで連絡できます。
    • Kana: かのじょにちょくせつあえないまでも、メールでれんらくできます。
    • Translation: Even if we can't meet her in person, we can at least contact her by email.
  2. 毎日は無理だが、週末だけでも手伝ってほしい。
    • Kana: まいにちはむりだが、しゅうまつだけでもてつだってほしい。
    • Translation: Even if not every day, I'd like you to help at least on weekends.

      Note: Though this example uses だけでも ("even just"), it conveys a similar notion.

  3. 完璧とは言わないまでも、彼の作品は非常に素晴らしい。
    • Kana: かんぺきとはいわないまでも、かれのさくひんはひじょうにすばらしい。
    • Translation: Even if we don't call it perfect, his work is truly wonderful.
  4. 海外旅行は無理でも、近くの温泉に行こう。
    • Kana: かいがいりょこうはむりでも、ちかくのおんせんにいこう。
    • Translation: Even if a trip abroad is impossible, let's go to a nearby hot spring.

      Note: This example uses 無理でも ("even if impossible"), showing a slight variation.

Context Variations

  • Formal Written Context
    • 詳細を説明しないまでも、基本的な情報は提供します。
      • Kana: しょうさいをせつめいしないまでも、きほんてきなじょうほうはていきょうします。
      • Translation: Even if we don't explain the details, we'll provide the basic information.
  • Informal Spoken Context
    • 全部は無理でも、できるところまでやってみよう。
      • Kana: ぜんぶはむりでも、できるところまでやってみよう。
      • Translation: Even if we can't do everything, let's try as much as we can.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Emphasis on Modesty and Realism: Japanese culture often values modesty and realistic expectations. Using ないまでも allows speakers to acknowledge limitations while still expressing a desire to take action.
  • Politeness Levels: This grammar point is neutral and can be used in both polite and casual speech, depending on the verbs and context used.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • Verb とは言わないまでも
    • Meaning: "Even if we don't say (Verb)...", "Even if we don't call it..."
    • Usage: To soften a statement by not fully committing to an extreme description. Example:
  • 天才とは言わないまでも、彼は優れた能力を持っている。
    • Kana: てんさいとはいわないまでも、かれはすぐれたのうりょくをもっている。
    • Translation: Even if we don't call him a genius, he has excellent abilities.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using Affirmative Form Instead of Negative
    • Incorrect: 行くまでも
      • This means "even to go as far as..." which changes the meaning.
    • Correct: 行かないまでも
      • Meaning: "Even if we don't go..."
  2. Confusing with なくても
    • Incorrect Usage: Treating ないまでも and なくても as interchangeable.
    • Difference: なくても means "even if (someone) doesn't...", without the implication of expecting a lesser action.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that ないまでも includes ない (negative) + までも (even if to that extent).
  • Visualizing Scales: Think of a scale from 0 to 10. ないまでも admits we might not reach 10, but we should at least aim for 5.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Meaning: Verb ないまでも expresses that even if an extreme action doesn't happen, a lesser action does or should.
  • Structure: Verb (ない form) + までも
  • Usage: To set realistic expectations or suggest a compromise.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the structure used to form ないまでも?
    • Answer: Verb (ない form) + までも
  2. Translate the following sentence: 時間がないなら、全部は無理にしても、一部だけでも読んでください。
    • Kana: じかんがないなら、ぜんぶはむりにしても、いちぶだけでもよんでください。
    • Your Translation: Even if it's impossible to read all of it due to lack of time, please read at least a part of it.
  3. Choose the sentence that correctly uses ないまでも: a) 彼は行くまでもない。 b) 彼は行かないまでも、連絡はするべきだ。
    • Answer: b) 彼は行かないまでも、連絡はするべきだ。

By understanding and practicing Verb ないまでも, you can express nuanced ideas about expectations and compromises in Japanese. Keep practicing with different verbs and contexts to master this grammar point!

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