Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb ないではすまない (Verb nai dewa sumanai)

'Cannot end without doing', 'must do'—an unavoidable moral or social necessity.


Verb-ない form + ではすまない



Shippai o shitara, ayamaranai de wa sumanai.

If you make a mistake, you have to apologize—there’s no way around it.


Kono mondai wa jūdai na node, hōkoku shinai de wa sumanai.

This issue is so serious that I must report it.


Kono eiga wa totemo kandōteki de, nakanai de wa sumanai.

This movie is so moving that you can’t help but cry.


Kodomo ga machigaetara, oshienai de wa sumanai.

If a child makes a mistake, you must correct them—there’s no avoiding it.

Long Explanation

The grammar Verb ないではすまない expresses that something must be done (often for moral, social, or personal reasons) and cannot be left undone. It implies an obligation or inevitability, akin to 'I can't get away without doing it.'

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Verb ないではすまない (Verb nai dewa sumanai)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb ないではすまない (Verb nai dewa sumanai)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point ないではすまない (nai dewa sumanai). This expression conveys a strong sense of obligation or inevitability to perform an action. It is often used when one must do something to resolve a situation, meet social expectations, or fulfill a moral duty.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


ないではすまない means:

  • "Cannot avoid doing..."
  • "Must do..."
  • "Cannot get away without doing..." It implies that not performing the action would lead to negative consequences, such as social disapproval or unresolved issues.


Formation Diagram

Verb (ない-form) + ではすまない


  • Verb (ない-form): Negative form of the verb.
  • ではすまない: An expression meaning "will not end/resolved without..."

Example Formation

  • する (to do) → しない
  • しないではすまない: Cannot avoid doing; must do.

Detailed Explanation

  • Verb (ない-form): Take the negative form of the verb.
  • では: Particle combining (indicating means or condition) and (topic marker).
  • すまない: Negative form of 済む (sumu), meaning "to end" or "to be sufficient." Together, ないではすまない conveys that not doing the action will not suffice; therefore, one must do it.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

Grammar Point Meaning Nuance
ないわけにはいかない Cannot help but do; must do Strong moral or social obligation
ずにはいられない Can't help but feel compelled to do Inner compulsion; uncontrollable feeling
なければならない Must do; have to do General necessity or obligation


  • ないではすまない emphasizes external pressures or consequences.
  • ないわけにはいかない suggests moral duty or logical necessity.
  • ずにはいられない reflects internal compulsion.

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Formal Situation

彼は遅刻したから、謝らないではすまない。 Kareshi wa chikoku shita kara, ayamaranaide wa sumanai.

  • Translation: Since he was late, he must apologize.
  • Context: In a workplace or formal setting where punctuality is important.

Example 2: Social Obligation

こんな高価な物を壊してしまって、弁償しないではすまないだろう。 Konna kouka na mono o kowashite shimatte, benshou shinaide wa sumanai darou.

  • Translation: Having broken such an expensive item, I must compensate for it.
  • Context: Acknowledging responsibility for damage caused.

Example 3: Personal Accountability

真実を知った以上、彼に知らせないではすまない。 Shinjitsu o shitta ijou, kare ni shirasanaide wa sumanai.

  • Translation: Now that I know the truth, I must inform him.
  • Context: Feeling obliged to share important information.

Example 4: Cultural Norms

親友の結婚式に出席しないではすまない。 Shinyuu no kekkonshiki ni shusseki shinaide wa sumanai.

  • Translation: I must attend my best friend's wedding.
  • Context: Social expectation to attend significant events.

Example 5: Legal Obligation

法律を破ったのだから、罰を受けないではすまない。 Houritsu o yabutta no dakara, batsu o ukenaide wa sumanai.

  • Translation: Because I broke the law, I must face punishment.
  • Context: Accepting consequences of illegal actions.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Collectivist Society: In Japanese culture, harmony and group cohesion are paramount. ないではすまない reflects the pressure to conform to social norms.
  • Responsibility and Apology: Apologizing and making amends are important. This expression is commonly used when one must take responsibility.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • Often used in formal or written contexts.
  • Indicates a serious tone and recognition of obligations.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 謝らないではすまない (Ayamaranaide wa sumanai): Must apologize.
  • 説明しないではすまない (Setsumei shinaide wa sumanai): Must explain.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using the Affirmative Verb Form
    • Incorrect: 行くではすまない
    • Correct: 行かないではすまない Always use the ない-form of the verb.
  2. Confusing with Similar Expressions
    • Mixing up with ずにはいられない.
      • ないではすまない: External obligation.
      • ずにはいられない: Internal compulsion.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of すまない as "won't end" or "won't be resolved" unless the action is taken.
  • Practice: Create sentences using actions you feel obliged to do due to social norms.
  • Visualize Scenarios: Imagine situations where not acting would lead to problems.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ないではすまない expresses a strong obligation to act due to external pressures.
  • Formed by adding ではすまない to the ない-form of a verb.
  • Different from expressions indicating internal feelings (ずにはいられない).

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How is the grammar point ないではすまない formed?
    • Answer: By attaching ではすまない to the ない-form of a verb.
  2. What does ないではすまない imply about obligation?
    • Answer: It implies an unavoidable obligation due to external factors or social expectations.
  3. Translate the following sentence: 約束を破ったら、謝罪しないではすまない。 Yakusoku o yabuttara, shazai shinaide wa sumanai.
    • Answer: If you break a promise, you must apologize.

By understanding ないではすまない, you enhance your ability to express obligations influenced by societal expectations in Japanese.

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