Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb てやまない (Verb te yamanai)

Used with certain emotional/mental verbs to show a strong, unceasing emotion: 'can't stop', 'never cease to'.


Verb-て form + やまない (common with certain verbs)



Watashi wa haha o omotte yamanai.

I can't stop thinking of my mother.


Kare wa kanojo o aishite yamanai.

He loves her beyond measure.


Kare wa Nihon no bunka o sonkei shite yamanai.

He has unceasing respect for Japanese culture.


Kanojo no seikō o negatte yamanai.

I can’t stop hoping for her success.

Long Explanation

The grammar ~てやまない is typically used with verbs like 願う, 祈る, 愛する, 尊敬する, 期待する, etc., expressing a deep, continuous emotional state (love, respect, hope, prayer). It emphasizes that the feeling 'never ceases.'

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Verb てやまない (Verb te yamanai)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb てやまない (Verb te yamanai)

1. Introduction

The expression 〜てやまない (〜te yamanai) is a formal Japanese grammar pattern used to convey deep, heartfelt emotions that are continuous and unwavering. It expresses strong feelings such as earnest wishes, profound respect, or enduring love that one holds and cannot stop feeling.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


〜てやまない is used to express a strong, persistent emotion or desire that does not cease. It emphasizes that the speaker's feeling is so profound that it continues endlessly.

  • English Equivalent:
    "Earnestly [verb]", "Cannot stop [verb]-ing", "Truly [verb]"


To form this expression:

  1. Verb (て-form) + やまない 🔹 Note: This pattern is typically used with certain verbs that express emotions or psychological states.

Common Verbs Used with 〜てやまない

Verb Meaning
願う(ねがう) To wish
期待する(きたいする) To expect/hope
愛する(あいする) To love
尊敬する(そんけいする) To respect
祈る(いのる) To pray

Formation Diagram

[Verb (て-form)] + やまない

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

〜てしょうがない / 〜てたまらない

  • Meaning: Can't help but feel; extremely [adjective].
  • Usage: Expresses uncontrollable feelings or sensations but often about oneself and immediate feelings.
  • Example:
    • 暇でたまらない。
      "I am unbearably bored."


  • Meaning: Can't help but do something.
  • Usage: Indicates an uncontrollable action or impulse.
  • Example:
    • 甘いものを見ると食べずにはいられない。
      "When I see sweets, I can't help but eat them." In Contrast:
      〜てやまない focuses on deep, enduring emotions towards someone or something else, rather than immediate personal feelings or actions.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. 彼の幸せを願ってやまない。
    Kana: かれの しあわせを ねがってやまない。
    Translation: "I earnestly wish for his happiness."
  2. 両親は子供の成長を期待してやまない。
    Kana: りょうしんは こどもの せいちょうを きたいしてやまない。
    Translation: "Parents cannot stop hoping for their children's growth."
  3. 尊敬してやまない先生に会えて嬉しい。
    Kana: そんけいしてやまない せんせいに あえて うれしい。
    Translation: "I'm happy to meet the teacher whom I deeply respect."
  4. 被災地の皆様の安全を祈ってやみません。
    Kana: ひさいちの みなさまの あんぜんを いのってやみません。
    Translation: "I earnestly pray for the safety of everyone in the disaster-stricken areas."
  5. 彼女は愛してやまない音楽を追求している。
    Kana: かのじょは あいしてやまない おんがくを ついきゅうしている。
    Translation: "She is pursuing the music she deeply loves."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Formality:
    • 〜てやまない is a formal expression, often used in written language, speeches, or formal statements.
    • It conveys a sense of sincerity and depth of emotion appropriate for solemn or serious contexts.
  • Usage Contexts:
    • Commonly found in letters, formal speeches, news broadcasts, and literature.
    • Used to express respectful sentiments towards others, such as superiors, colleagues, or public figures.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • Polite/Formal Language:
    • This grammar point is part of keigo (敬語), the honorific speech in Japanese.
    • Suitable for formal situations and should be used carefully to match the social context.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using with Inappropriate Verbs:

    • Incorrect: 彼を待ってやまない。
      (Using with 待つ "to wait")
      • Explanation: "待つ" does not express a deep emotion suitable for this structure.
  2. Casual Context Usage:

    • Using 〜てやまない in casual conversation can sound unnatural or overly formal.


  • Remember the Verb Types:
    • Limit use to verbs expressing deep emotions or psychological states.
  • Context Awareness:
    • Reserve for formal writing or speeches to convey sincerity.
  • Practice with Common Verbs:
    • Familiarize yourself with common verbs used in this pattern to ensure natural usage.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose:
    〜てやまない expresses deep, continuous emotions or desires that one holds earnestly.
  • Structure:
    • Verb (て-form) + やまない
  • Usage:
    • Used with specific verbs (e.g., 願う, 祈る, 尊敬する) in formal contexts.
    • Conveys feelings like earnest wishes, profound respect, or enduring love.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What kind of verbs are typically used with 〜てやまない?
  2. Is 〜てやまない appropriate for casual conversation?
  3. Translate the following sentence into English:


  1. Verbs expressing deep emotions or psychological states (e.g., 願う, 祈る, 愛する).
  2. No, it is a formal expression suitable for formal writing or speeches.
  3. "I earnestly wish for the students' success."

By understanding and practicing 〜てやまない, you can express deep, sincere emotions in a way that is appropriate for formal Japanese communication. Remember to use it with suitable verbs and in the right context to convey your sentiments effectively.

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