Processing keyword: Verb てからというもの (Verb te kara to iu mono)
Japanese Grammar Point: Verb てからというもの (Verb te kara to iu mono)
1. Introduction
In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point 〜てからというもの (~te kara to iu mono). This expression is used to indicate a significant change that has occurred since a specific event or action. It often reflects the speaker's deep feelings about how things have been different ever since that moment.
2. Core Grammar Explanation
〜てからというもの expresses that ever since doing something, a particular state or situation has continued. It emphasizes a noticeable change that has persisted from a certain point in time.
The structure is formed by attaching 〜てからというもの to the て-form of a verb.
[Verb て-form] + からというもの
Formation Diagram
Verb Form | + からというもの | Meaning |
食べて (tabete) | からというもの | Ever since (I) ate... |
始まって (hajimatte) | からというもの | Ever since (it) started... |
出会って (deatte) | からというもの | Ever since (I) met... |
3. Comparative Analysis
Similar Grammar Points
〜て以来 (〜te irai): Also means "since doing something," but 〜てからというもの often carries a stronger emotional emphasis or implies a significant change.
- Example: 日本に来て以来、日本語を勉強しています。
(Since I came to Japan, I've been studying Japanese.)
- Example: 日本に来て以来、日本語を勉強しています。
〜てから (〜te kara): Simply indicates the time after an action, without the strong sense of change or emotional emphasis.
- Example: 朝ごはんを食べてから、仕事に行きます。
(After eating breakfast, I go to work.)
- Example: 朝ごはんを食べてから、仕事に行きます。
Difference in Nuance
- 〜てからというもの emphasizes a profound change or ongoing state resulting from an action.
- 〜て以来 is more neutral and commonly used in both written and spoken language.
- 〜てから is used for straightforward sequences of actions.
4. Examples in Context
Example Sentences
- 彼と別れてからというもの、毎日がつまらない。
Ever since I broke up with him, every day has been boring. - 新しい仕事を始めてからというもの、忙しくて友達に会えない。
Ever since I started the new job, I've been so busy that I can't meet my friends. - この本を読んでからというもの、考え方が変わった。
Ever since I read this book, my way of thinking has changed. - 引っ越してからというもの、前の町が恋しくてたまらない。
Ever since I moved, I've been terribly missing my old town. - 彼女に出会ってからというもの、毎日が輝いている。
Ever since I met her, every day has been shining.
Context Variations
- Formal Written: Often used in essays, articles, or formal narratives to express lasting change.
- Spoken Language: Less common in casual conversation; when used, it adds a dramatic or emotional tone.
5. Cultural Notes
Cultural Relevance
In Japanese culture, expressing lasting changes and deep emotions subtly is common. Using 〜てからというもの allows speakers to convey significant personal transformations in a nuanced way.
Politeness and Formality
While the grammar point itself does not inherently carry politeness, it is more frequently used in formal contexts or written language due to its emotive and expressive nature.
Idiomatic Expressions
- 病気になってからというもの、健康の大切さを実感した。
Ever since I became ill, I've truly realized the importance of health.
6. Common Mistakes and Tips
Common Mistakes
- Confusing with 〜てから
- Incorrect: 日本に来てから、日本語を勉強しています。
- Correct: 日本に来てからというもの、日本語を勉強し続けている。
- Using with Inappropriate Verbs
- Avoid using it with verbs that don't signify a significant change.
- Incorrect: 朝起きてからというもの、顔を洗う。
(Ever since I woke up this morning, I wash my face.)
Learning Strategies
- Mnemonic Device: Think of 〜てからというもの as "Since doing..., things have really changed."
- Practice: Create sentences about personal experiences where a significant change occurred.
7. Summary and Review
Key Takeaways
- 〜てからというもの is used to express a significant change that has continued since a particular action.
- It emphasizes the lasting impact of that action on the current state.
- More expressive than 〜て以来 or 〜てから, with a stronger emotional nuance.
Quick Recap Quiz
- What does 〜てからというもの express?
- How does 〜てからというもの differ from 〜てから?
- Create a sentence using 〜てからというもの about learning Japanese. Answers:
- It expresses that ever since a certain action, a significant change has occurred and continues.
- 〜てからというもの emphasizes a lasting, significant change with emotional weight, whereas 〜てから simply indicates a sequence of actions.
- 日本語を勉強してからというもの、日本の文化に興味が深くなった。
(Ever since I started studying Japanese, my interest in Japanese culture has deepened.)
By understanding and practicing 〜てからというもの, you can express profound changes in your life experiences more naturally in Japanese. Keep practicing by reflecting on your own significant life events!