Decoded Slug: Verb させる (Verb-saseru)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb させる (Verb-saseru)

Verb させる (Verb-saseru)

Short explanation:

Expresses 'to make someone do something', 'to let someone do something', or 'to cause someone to do something'.


Group 1 Verbs: Change the last hiragana to ~せる, Group 2 Verbs: Remove ~る and add ~させる, Group 3 Verbs: する → させる, くる → こさせる


Sensei ga seito ni shukudai o sasemashita.
The teacher made the students do homework.
Haha ga watashi ni heya o sooji sasemashita.
My mother made me clean my room.
Kanojo ni piano o hikasete agemashita.
I let her play the piano.
Joushi wa kare ni sono puroguramu o tsukurasemashita.
The boss made him create the program.

Long explanation:

The ~させる verb form is used to describe causing or allowing someone to do something. It can be translated as 'to make someone do something', 'to let someone do something', or 'to cause someone to do something' in English. The formation of the ~させる form depends on the verb it is attached to.

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