Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun 並み (~nami)

Indicates 'like' or 'as' something or someone; 'equivalent to', 'around'.


Noun + 並み



Kare wa puro no bokusaa nami no chikara o motte imasu.

He has power equivalent to a professional boxer.


Kanojo no ryouri no udemae wa resutoran nami desu.

Her cooking skills are like those of a restaurant.


Kono eria no natsu wa sabaku nami no atsusa desu.

The summer heat in this area is like a desert.


Kyou no shigoto wa shachou nami no isogashisa datta.

Today's work was as busy as a president's.

Long Explanation

The Noun 並み grammar point is used to show a comparison, often translated as 'like' or 'equivalent to'. It can also indicate approximate quantity or extent, similar to 'around'.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun 並み (~nami)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun 並み (~nami)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point ~並み (~なみ), which is used to express that someone or something is "on the same level as" or "equivalent to" a particular noun. This structure is handy when comparing abilities, qualities, or quantities, and it can add depth to your descriptions in Japanese.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


The suffix ~並み attaches to a noun to indicate that the subject is equivalent to or on par with that noun. It conveys the idea of matching in degree, level, or status.



Noun + 並み
プロ 並み
子供 並み
天才 並み
  • Noun + 並み

Detailed Explanation

  • 直接名詞に付く: ~並み attaches directly to nouns without any additional particles.
  • 程度やレベルを示す: Indicates that something is as much as, as good as, or on the same level as the noun it follows.
  • 肯定的な意味合い: Often used to express admiration or highlight a noteworthy level of ability or quality.

Visual Aid: Usage Diagram

[Subject] + は + [Comparison Noun] + 並み + の/に + [Attribute/Verb]
    │       │
    │       └── Having skills like a professional
    └── He

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing with Similar Grammar Points

Grammar Point Meaning Example
~ほど To the extent of, As much as 彼はプロほど上手だ。 (He is as skilled as a pro.)
~くらい/ぐらい Approximately, About the same as 子供くらいの背だ。 (He's about the height of a child.)
~のように Like, In the manner of 鳥のように飛べる。 (Can fly like a bird.)
~並み Equivalent to, On the same level as 彼女はモデル並みに美しい。 (She's as beautiful as a model.)
  • Difference: ~並み specifically highlights equivalence in level or degree, often implying a noteworthy comparison, while other expressions may denote similarity without the same emphasis on equivalence.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 彼はプロ並みの腕前だ。
    • Kare wa puro-nami no udemae da.
    • He has skills on par with a professional.
  2. 彼女はモデル並みに美しい。
    • Kanojo wa moderu-nami ni utsukushii.
    • She is as beautiful as a model.
  3. この車は新車並みの性能だ。
    • Kono kuruma wa shinsha-nami no seinō da.
    • This car has performance equivalent to a new car.
  4. 彼の記憶力は天才並みだ。
    • Kare no kiokuryoku wa tensai-nami da.
    • His memory is on par with a genius.
  5. 彼らはプロ選手並みに練習している。
    • Karera wa puro senshu-nami ni renshū shite iru.
    • They are practicing as much as professional athletes.

Context Variations

  • Formal Written Context: 当社の製品は海外ブランド並みの品質を誇っています。 Tōsha no seihin wa kaigai burando-nami no hinshitsu o hokotte imasu. Our company's products boast quality equivalent to overseas brands.
  • Informal Spoken Context: 昨日の飲み会は祭り並みに盛り上がったね! Kinō no nomikai wa matsuri-nami ni moriagatta ne! Yesterday's party was as lively as a festival!
  • Practical Usage: この店のラーメンは一流店並みだ。 Kono mise no rāmen wa ichiryū-ten nami da. The ramen at this shop is as good as that of a top-tier restaurant.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Expressing Admiration: In Japanese culture, modesty is valued, so using ~並み can be a polite way to compliment someone, acknowledging their abilities without excessive praise.
  • Levels of Politeness: The grammar point ~並み is neutral and can be used in both formal and informal contexts, making it versatile for various social situations.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 世間並み (せけん なみ): Seken nami - Average, Ordinary.
    • 彼は世間並みの生活に満足している。
      • Kare wa seken-nami no seikatsu ni manzoku shite iru.
      • He is satisfied with an ordinary life.
  • 人並み (ひとなみ): Hito nami - Like most people, Average level.
    • 彼女は人並みに幸せになりたい。
      • Kanojo wa hito-nami ni shiawase ni naritai.
      • She wants to be happy like everyone else.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Incorrect Attachment: Attaching ~並み to verbs or adjectives.
    • Incorrect: 速く走る並みの能力がある。
    • Correct: プロ並みの速さで走る能力がある。
  • Omitting Particles: Forgetting the particle or after ~並み.
    • Incorrect: 彼はプロ並み腕前だ。
    • Correct: 彼はプロ並みの腕前だ.
  • Using with Non-Comparable Nouns: Using ~並み with nouns that don't represent a standard or level.
    • Avoid attaching ~並み to nouns that don't provide a clear benchmark for comparison.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Associate 並み (なみ) with "line up" or "align"—think of lining up levels to be the same.
  • Practice with Common Nouns: Start by practicing with nouns that represent high standards (e.g., プロ, 天才, モデル) to get comfortable with the structure.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~並み attaches directly to nouns to express equivalence in level, ability, or degree.
  • It is used to highlight that someone or something is on par with the noun it follows.
  • Commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to express comparisons.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Translate the following sentence using ~並み: "She runs as fast as a professional athlete." Answer: 彼女はプロ選手並みに速く走る。
  2. Identify and correct the mistake: 彼は天才並み頭脳を持っている。 Answer: Missing particle . Corrected Sentence: 彼は天才並みの頭脳を持っている。
  3. Explain the meaning of this sentence: この映画はハリウッド並みの迫力がある。 Answer: This movie has the same impact as a Hollywood film.

By mastering ~並み, you can make more nuanced comparisons and express levels of equivalence in Japanese, enhancing both your written and spoken communication skills.

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