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Short explanation:
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Detailed Grammar notes:
Processing keyword: Noun を くれる (Noun wo kureru)
In Japanese, expressing actions of giving and receiving involves specific verbs that indicate the direction of the action relative to the speaker. The grammar pattern "Noun を くれる" is used when someone gives something to the speaker or someone close to the speaker. Understanding this pattern is essential for clear and polite communication in Japanese.
The basic structure of the sentence is:
[Giver] が [Receiver (usually the speaker)] に Noun を くれる
However, since the receiver is often the speaker, the receiver and the particle に are frequently omitted:
[Giver] が Noun を くれる
Component | Explanation |
[Giver] が | The person who gives (marked by が) |
Noun を | The thing being given (marked by を) |
くれる | Verb meaning "to give" (plain form) |
[Person who gives] が + [Object] を + くれる
友だち が 本 を くれる。
Tomodachi ga hon wo kureru.
(My friend gives me a book.)
Verb | Usage | Direction |
くれる | Someone gives something to me/us | Giver → Speaker |
あげる | I/someone gives something to someone else | Speaker → Someone else |
もらう | I/someone receives something from someone | Someone → Receiver (focus on receiver) |
Haha ga atarashii sumaho wo kureta.
(My mother gave me a new smartphone.)
Sensei ga osusume no hon wo kudasaimashita.
(The teacher gave me a recommended book.)
Tomodachi ga tegami wo kureta.
(A friend gave me a letter.)
Kare ga watashi ni hana wo kureta.
(He gave me flowers.)
Ani ga youfuku wo kureru.
(My older brother gives me clothes.)
Kaisha kara kinenhin wo itadakimashita.
(I received a commemorative gift from the company.)
Note: いただく is the humble form of もらう.友人が助けてくれて、本当に感謝しています。
Yuujin ga tasukete kurete, hontou ni kansha shite imasu.
(My friend helped me, and I am truly grateful.)
Sofu ga tokei wo kudasaimashita.
(My grandfather gave me a watch.)
Buchou ga adobaisu wo kudasaimashita.
(The department manager gave me advice.)
Tomodachi ga shukudai wo tetsudatte kureta.
(My friend helped me with my homework.)
By understanding and practicing "Noun を くれる," you can accurately express receiving actions directed toward you, respecting the nuances of Japanese social interactions.
Public Alpha version Open Source (GitHub). This site is currently undergoing active development. You may (will) encounter bugs, inconsistencies, or limited functionality. Lots of sentences might not sound natural. We are progressively addressing these issues with native speakers.
New Feature! Japanese text parser works for custom texts and YouTube, acting as a reading assistant and translator. Check it out!
List of all Hanabira features Check here.
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