Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun のいかんにかかわらず (Noun no ikan ni kakawarazu)

Regardless of, irrespective of.


Noun + のいかんにかかわらず



Kekka no ikan ni kakawarazu, kare wa kettei wo koukai shinakatta.

Regardless of the outcome, he didn't regret his decision.


Nenrei no ikan ni kakawarazu, donna hito demo manabu koto wa kanou desu.

Regardless of age, anyone can learn.


Keiken no ikan ni kakawarazu, hajimeru koto ga taisetsu desu.

Regardless of experience, it's important to start.


Tenkou no ikan ni kakawarazu, haikingu wa yotei doori ni okonawaremasu.

Regardless of the weather, the hiking will take place as scheduled.

Long Explanation

The phrase 'Noun のいかんにかかわらず' is used to express that something is the case irrespective of a certain condition. It can be translated as 'regardless of' or 'irrespective of' in English. This phrase is used with nouns.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun のいかんにかかわらず (Noun no ikan ni kakawarazu)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun のいかんにかかわらず (Noun no ikan ni kakawarazu)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point Noun のいかんにかかわらず (Noun no ikan ni kakawarazu). This formal expression is used to indicate that something will happen or is true regardless of the noun in question. It's commonly found in official statements, legal documents, and formal writings.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


Noun のいかんにかかわらず translates to "regardless of Noun" or "irrespective of Noun". It expresses that the outcome or situation is not influenced by the particular noun mentioned.


The structure of this grammar point is:

Noun のいかんにかかわらず、[Action/Statement]
  • Noun: The subject or factor that does not affect the outcome.
  • : Possessive particle connecting the noun to the phrase.
  • いかん: Means "如何" (いかん), which stands for "nature", "content", or "circumstances".
  • にかかわらず: Means "regardless of" or "irrespective of".

Formation Diagram

Part Function Meaning
Noun Subject e.g., 国籍 (nationality)
Possessive particle "of"
いかん Noun meaning "nature" nature, content
にかかわらず Fixed expression meaning "regardless of" "regardless of"
Comma Separates clauses
[Action/Statement] Main clause Outcome unaffected by Noun

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

1. Noun にかかわらず (Noun ni kakawarazu)

  • Meaning: "Regardless of Noun"
  • Usage: Similar in meaning but less formal. Can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
  • Example: 性別にかかわらず応募できます。
    You can apply regardless of gender.

2. Noun を問わず (Noun o towazu)

  • Meaning: "Regardless of Noun"; "No matter Noun"
  • Usage: Indicates that the action is not limited by the noun.
  • Example: 経験の有無を問わず歓迎します。
    We welcome you regardless of experience.

3. Noun にもかかわらず (Noun ni mo kakawarazu)

  • Meaning: "Despite Noun"; "In spite of Noun"
  • Usage: Expresses a contrast between the noun and the action.
  • Example: 雨にもかかわらず、大勢の人が集まった。
    Despite the rain, a large crowd gathered.

4. Examples in Context

Below are examples demonstrating how Noun のいかんにかかわらず is used in various formal contexts.

Example 1


  • Reading: おうぼしかくのいかんにかかわらず、どなたでもごさんかいただけます。
  • Translation: Regardless of eligibility, anyone may participate.

Example 2


  • Reading: けっかのいかんにかかわらず、さいぜんをつくしたことがたいせつです。
  • Translation: Regardless of the results, what matters is that you did your best.

Example 3


  • Reading: りゆうのいかんにかかわらず、ちこくはゆるされません。
  • Translation: Tardiness is not permitted regardless of the reason.

Example 4


  • Reading: はいけいのいかんにかかわらず、びょうどうにあつかわれるべきです。
  • Translation: Regardless of their background, they should be treated equally.

Example 5


  • Reading: てんこうのいかんにかかわらず、イベントはよていどおりおこないます。
  • Translation: The event will proceed as scheduled regardless of the weather conditions.

5. Cultural Notes

Formality and Usage

  • High Formality: This expression is highly formal and is predominantly used in written Japanese, official announcements, legal documents, and formal speeches.
  • Not Used in Casual Conversation: In everyday conversation, using this phrase may sound overly stiff or unnatural. Instead, phrases like 関係なく (kankei naku) or 問わず (towazu) are more commonly used.
  • Emphasis on Impartiality: The use of Noun のいかんにかかわらず often conveys a sense of impartiality and fairness, which aligns with Japanese social values of equality and respect.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Forgetting the Possessive Particle の
    • Incorrect: 国籍いかんにかかわらず応募できます。
    • Correct: 国籍いかんにかかわらず応募できます。
  2. Misplacing the Phrase
    • Incorrect: いかんにかかわらず国籍の、応募できます。
    • Correct: 国籍のいかんにかかわらず、応募できます。
  3. Using in Informal Contexts
    • Using this phrase in casual conversation may sound unnatural.
    • Tip: Opt for 関係なく in informal settings.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Associate いかん with "如何 (how; in what way)", reminding you that the specifics "of the noun" don't matter.
  • Practice Formal Writing: Incorporate this phrase into practice essays or formal letters to become comfortable with its usage.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Meaning: Noun のいかんにかかわらず means "regardless of Noun" in a formal context.
  • Usage: Used to state that an action or outcome is not influenced by the nature or circumstances of the noun.
  • Formality: Highly formal; suitable for official documents and formal announcements.
  • Structure: Remember to include the possessive particle after the noun.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: 理由____、遅刻は認められません。 a) いかんにかかわらず
    b) のいかんにかかわらず
    c) にかかわらず Answer: b) のいかんにかかわらず
  2. True or False: It's appropriate to use Noun のいかんにかかわらず in casual conversations with friends. Answer: False (It's too formal for casual conversation.)
  3. Identify the Error: 経験のいかんかかわらず、応募できます。 Correction: 経験のいかんかかわらず、応募できます。
  4. Choose the More Formal Expression: a) 性別に関係なく
    b) 性別のいかんにかかわらず Answer: b) 性別のいかんにかかわらず

By understanding and practicing this grammar point, you'll enhance your ability to comprehend and compose formal Japanese texts. Remember to pay attention to context and formality to ensure your language use is appropriate and natural.

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