Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun によらず (~ni yorazu)

Regardless of, irrespective of.


Noun + によらず



Kekka wa benkyou jikan ni yorazu kawaranai deshou.

The result will not change regardless of the study time.


Kisetsu ni yorazu, kono chiiki wa tsune ni atatakai desu.

This region is always warm, regardless of the season.


Nenrei ni yorazu, mina ga tanoshimeru ibento desu.

It is an event that everyone can enjoy, regardless of age.


Kokuseki ni yorazu, dare demo sanka dekimasu.

Anyone can participate, regardless of nationality.

Long Explanation

The ~によらず grammar point is used to express the meaning 'regardless of' or 'irrespective of' in English. It is used when the outcome does not change regardless of differences in conditions.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun によらず (~ni yorazu)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun によらず (~ni yorazu)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point Noun によらず (~によらず). This expression is used to convey the meaning of "regardless of" or "irrespective of" something. It's a valuable structure that allows you to indicate that an action or situation is not influenced by a particular factor.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


Noun によらず means:

  • "Regardless of [Noun]"
  • "Irrespective of [Noun]"
  • "Without depending on [Noun]" It indicates that the action or state that follows is not affected by the noun mentioned.



Noun + によらず
Part Function
Noun Factor being disregarded
によらず Indicates "regardless of"

Detailed Explanation

  • によらず is the negative form of による (which means "to depend on" or "due to"). By adding the negative form, it expresses the absence of dependence.
  • Noun can be any noun that represents the factor or condition that does not influence the outcome.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

1. Noun を問わず (Noun をとわず)

  • Meaning: "Regardless of", "Irrespective of", "No matter"
  • Usage: Often used interchangeably with によらず, but を問わず is more formal and commonly used in written language. Example:
  • 経験を問わず、応募できます。
    • Keiken o towazu, oubo dekimasu.
    • "You can apply regardless of experience."

2. Noun にかかわらず (Noun にかかわらず)

  • Meaning: "Regardless of", "Despite"
  • Usage: Similar in meaning but often emphasizes that the action is unaffected by the noun.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 性別によらず、この仕事に応募できます。 Seibetsu ni yorazu, kono shigoto ni oubo dekimasu. "You can apply for this job regardless of gender."
  2. 年齢によらず、皆が楽しめるイベントです。 Nenrei ni yorazu, mina ga tanoshimeru ibento desu. "It's an event that everyone can enjoy regardless of age."
  3. 学歴によらず、能力で評価します。 Gakureki ni yorazu, nouryoku de hyouka shimasu. "We evaluate based on ability regardless of educational background."
  4. 国籍によらず、平等な権利があります。 Kokuseki ni yorazu, byoudou na kenri ga arimasu. "There are equal rights regardless of nationality."
  5. 経験によらず、新しいことに挑戦できます。 Keiken ni yorazu, atarashii koto ni chousen dekimasu. "You can challenge new things regardless of experience."

Formal and Informal Contexts

  • Formal Written: 職位によらず、意見を述べてください。 Shokui ni yorazu, iken o nobete kudasai. "Please express your opinions regardless of your position."
  • Informal Spoken: 好き嫌いによらず、これは食べてみて。 Suki kirai ni yorazu, kore wa tabete mite. "Try this out regardless of whether you like it or not."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Equality Emphasis: Using によらず often emphasizes fairness and equality, which is valued in Japanese society.
  • Politeness Level: This structure is neutral and appropriate in both formal and informal settings.

Idiomatic Expressions

While によらず itself is not idiomatic, it's commonly used in set phrases promoting inclusivity. Examples:

  • 人種によらず: "Regardless of race"
  • 信仰によらず: "Regardless of belief"

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using the Wrong Particle
    • Incorrect: 経験よらず
    • Correct: 経験よらず Tip: Always use the particle before よらず.
  2. Confusing with Positive Form
    • によらず (Negative): "Regardless of"
    • によって (Positive): "Depending on" Tip: Remember that -ず is a negative ending, turning "depending on" into "not depending on".

Learning Strategies

  • Association: Link によらず with "not relying on" something.
  • Practice: Create sentences with factors commonly disregarded (age, experience, gender) to become familiar with the usage.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Noun によらず means "regardless of [Noun]" and is used to indicate that an action is not influenced by a particular factor.
  • It's formed by attaching によらず directly to a noun.
  • Commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to promote ideas of equality and inclusivity.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: "____によらず、誰でも参加できます。" (Regardless of age, anyone can participate.)
    • Answer: 年齢 (ねんれい) 年齢によらず、誰でも参加できます。
  2. True or False: "によらず" can be used to mean "depending on".
    • Answer: False. "によらず" means "regardless of" (not depending on).
  3. Choose the correct particle: "経験____よらず、挑戦できます。"
    • Answer: 経験によらず、挑戦できます。

By understanding and practicing Noun によらず, you can express inclusivity and neutrality in your Japanese communication.

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