Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun なり Noun なり (A nari B nari)

Lists alternatives of the same kind; 'either A or B', 'A or B, for example'.


Noun + なり + Noun + なり



Eiga nari, ongaku nari, nanika shumi wa arimasu ka?

Do you have any hobbies, such as movies or music?


Koucha nari, koohii nari, nanika nomimono o kudasai.

Please give me something to drink, like tea or coffee.


Pan nari, onigiri nari, nanika tabete kudasai.

Please eat something—bread, onigiri, or whatever you’d like.


Takushii nari, basu nari ni notte kite kudasai.

Please come by either taxi or bus.

Long Explanation

The pattern AなりBなり is used to suggest alternatives or options, usually of the same category. It can be translated as 'whether A or B' or 'A or B, for example'.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun なり Noun なり (A nari B nari)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun なり Noun なり (A nari B nari)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the grammar point 「A なり B なり」, which is used to offer multiple options or suggestions in Japanese. This structure allows you to present alternatives, implying that any of the mentioned options are acceptable. Understanding this pattern will enhance your ability to make polite suggestions and express flexibility in conversations.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


「A なり B なり」 is used to present two or more options, suggesting that the listener can choose any of them. It often carries the nuance of "either A or B," "whether it's A or B," or "for example, A or B."


Formation Diagram:

[Verb Dictionary Form] + なり + [Verb Dictionary Form] + なり
[Noun] + なり + [Noun] + なり


  • A なり B なり: A and B are options or examples offered to the listener.
  • The verbs are in their dictionary form.
  • This pattern can be used with verbs or nouns.


  • To suggest multiple options or examples.
  • Implies that any of the options are acceptable.
  • Often followed by a command, suggestion, or request.
  • Used in both spoken and written language.

Visual Aid: Structure Table

Option 1 (Verb/Noun) なり Option 2 (Verb/Noun) なり (rest of the sentence)
食べる なり 飲む なり してください
コーヒー なり お茶 なり どうぞ

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

「A とか B とか」

  • Usage: Lists examples among others, often implying that the list is not exhaustive.
  • Example: 週末は映画とか買い物とかします。
    On weekends, I do things like watching movies and shopping.

「A や B など」

  • Usage: Connects nouns to list items non-exhaustively.
  • Example: 机の上に本やノートなどがあります。
    There are books, notebooks, and so on, on the desk.

Differences with 「A なり B なり」

  • Exclusivity: 「なり」 suggests that any of the options are acceptable choices.
  • Formality: 「なり」 is slightly more formal and often used in suggestions or recommendations.
  • Structure: 「なり」 can be used with verbs (dictionary form) and nouns, whereas 「や」 and 「とか」 are typically used with nouns.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 友達なり家族なりに相談してみてください。
    Please try consulting with either your friends or family.
  2. ペンなり鉛筆なり、何か書くものを持っていますか。
    Do you have something to write with, like a pen or pencil?
  3. 音楽を聴くなり本を読むなりしてリラックスしてください。
    Please relax by listening to music or reading a book.
  4. この問題について、上司なり先輩なりに確認しましょう。
    Let's verify this issue with either the boss or a senior colleague.
  5. 時間があるときは、運動するなり料理をするなりしています。
    When I have time, I either exercise or cook.

Contextual Usage

  • Formal Situations: The structure is appropriate in formal suggestions or advice.
  • Offering Help: Used when proposing ways to assist or address someone's concern.
  • Expressing Flexibility: Indicates that any of the suggested options are good.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Social Norms

  • Using 「なり…なり」 shows respect for the listener's choices.
  • It's polite to offer options rather than imposing a single suggestion.
  • Reflects the Japanese cultural value of considering others' preferences.

Situation Appropriateness

  • Commonly used in professional settings, customer service, or formal advice.
  • Can be used in friendly conversations to politely suggest activities.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Using the Wrong Verb Form
    • Incorrect: 聞きますなり話しますなりしてください。
    • Correct: 聞くなり話すなりしてください。 Tip: Always use the dictionary form of the verb before 「なり」.
  2. Listing Only One Option
    • Incorrect: 疲れたら、寝るなりしてください。
    • Correct: 疲れたら、寝るなり休むなりしてください。 Tip: This structure requires at least two options to present alternatives.
  3. Confusion with Similar Particles
    • Incorrect: ペンとか鉛筆なりありますか。
    • Correct: ペンなり鉛筆なりありますか。 Tip: Stick to one consistent structure to avoid confusion.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of 「なり」 as "nar i" → "nar" for "or" in English, reminding you it's used to present options.
  • Practice Exercise: Create sentences offering choices in different contexts (e.g., food, activities, objects).
  • Visual Reminder: Write down the structure with examples and place it somewhere visible during study.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Structure: [Verb Dictionary Form/Noun] + なり + [Verb Dictionary Form/Noun] + なり
  • Usage: To offer multiple acceptable options or suggestions.
  • Verb Form: Always use the dictionary form for verbs.
  • Politeness: Reflects consideration and politeness by providing choices.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb: 電話する___メールする___して連絡してください。
  2. Choose the correct particle to fill in the blank: お茶___コーヒー___いかがですか。 a) とか b) なり c) や
  3. Identify and correct the mistake in the following sentence: 映画を見ますなり、買い物をしますなりしましょう。


  1. なり, なり
  2. b) なり
  3. Corrected Sentence: 映画を見るなり、買い物をするなりしましょう。 Explanation: Verbs should be in the dictionary form before 「なり」.

By mastering 「A なり B なり」, you can enhance your Japanese communication skills by offering polite suggestions and expressing flexibility. Keep practicing by incorporating this structure into your daily conversations!

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