Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun なくして~はない (Noun nakushite ~ wa nai)

Expresses 'without ~, there can't be ~'; 'can't do ~ without first doing ~'.


Noun + なくして + Sentence ~はない



Doryoku nakushite seikou wa nai.

There is no success without effort.


Jikan nakushite kanpeki na sakuhin wa tsukurenai.

You cannot create a perfect work without time.


Keiken nakushite seichou wa nai.

There is no growth without experience.


Riidaashippu nakushite guruupu no seikou wa nai.

Without leadership, there can be no success for the group.

Long Explanation

The なくして grammar point is used to indicate that something is indispensable or necessary for something else to occur. 'Without' the first noun, the second part 'cannot exist/occur'. It demonstrates the principle of causality or necessity.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Noun なくして~はない (Noun nakushite ~ wa nai)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun なくして~はない (Noun nakushite ~ wa nai)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar pattern 「Noun なくして~はない」. This expression is used to convey that without the noun in question, something else cannot occur or exist. It's a powerful way to emphasize the necessity or indispensability of something.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


「Noun なくして~はない」 translates to:

  • "Without [Noun], there is no ~"
  • "There can be no ~ without [Noun]"
  • "Without [Noun], ~ cannot happen/exist" It emphasizes that the noun is essential for the existence or occurrence of something else.


Noun なくして~はない
  • Noun: The indispensable element.
  • ~はない: Indicates that without the noun, the subsequent event/state does not exist.

Formation Diagram

Component Function
Noun The essential element required for the subsequent clause
なくして "Without" (a conjunctive form combining "なく" and "して")
~はない "There is no ~"; negation of the existence or occurrence of the following element

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

  • Noun がなければ~ない
    • Meaning: "If there is no [Noun], then ~ not."
    • Example: 努力がなければ成功はない。
  • Noun なしに(は)~ない
    • Meaning: "Without [Noun], ~ cannot happen."
    • Example: 許可なしには入れません。


  • Nuance: 「なくして~はない」 is more emphatic and formal, often used in written language or formal speeches to stress indispensability.
  • Formality: 「なくして~はない」 is more formal than 「なしに(は)~ない」.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. 努力なくして成功はない。 There is no success without effort.
  2. 信頼なくして友情は成り立たない。 Friendship cannot exist without trust.
  3. 理解なくして解決は望めない。 One cannot hope for a resolution without understanding.
  4. 平和なくして繁栄はありえない。 Prosperity is impossible without peace.
  5. 挑戦なくして進歩はない。 There is no progress without challenge.

Context Variations

  • Formal Written
    • 科学的検証なくして、その理論を受け入れることはできない。 Without scientific verification, that theory cannot be accepted.
  • Spoken Informal
    • 努力なくして、夢は叶わないよ。 Without effort, your dreams won't come true.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese culture, emphasis is often placed on values such as effort, harmony, and perseverance. Using expressions like 「努力なくして成功はない」 reflects the cultural appreciation for hard work and the understanding that achievements are a result of dedication.

Levels of Politeness

  • Formality: This grammar pattern is formal and is commonly used in speeches, writings, and formal discussions.
  • Usage: It's less likely to be used in casual conversations among friends.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 根性なくして成功はない There is no success without willpower.
  • 愛なくして人生は語れない One cannot speak of life without love.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Using Verbs Instead of Nouns Incorrect: 走るなくして健康はない。 Corrected: 運動なくして健康はない。 "Without exercise, there is no health."
  • Misplacing Particles Incorrect: 努力なくしてが成功はない。 Corrected: 努力なくして成功はない。

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device Remember that なくして connects a noun indicating necessity with a negative outcome if absent.
  • Practice Create sentences using values or concepts important to you to internalize the pattern.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 「Noun なくして~はない」 emphasizes that something is essential for something else to occur.
  • It's a formal expression, often found in written language.
  • Structure: Noun + なくして + Outcome はない

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Translate the following sentence: 経験なくして成功はありえない。 Without experience, success is impossible.
  2. Fill in the blanks: __なくして平和は成り立たない。 Without ___, peace cannot exist. Answer: 寛容 (tolerance) - 寛容なくして平和は成り立たない。
  3. Correct the error in the sentence: 友情なくしてを人生は寂しい。 Corrected Sentence: 友情なくして人生は寂しい。

By understanding and practicing 「Noun なくして~はない」, you can express the indispensability of elements in Japanese with greater nuance and formality.

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