Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun といわず Noun といわず (A to iwazu B to iwazu)

Noun といわず Noun といわず (A to iwazu B to iwazu)

Short explanation:

Expresses an idea of 'both A and B' or 'be it A or B'; 'not only A but also B'.


Noun1 + といわず + Noun2 + といわず + (rest of the sentence)


Fuyu to iwazu natsu to iwazu, kare wa itsumo aisukurīmu o tabemasu.
Be it winter or summer, he always eats ice cream.
Oi to iwazu wakaki to iwazu, subete no hito ga sono ibento o tanoshimemasu.
Everyone, be they old or young, can enjoy that event.
Otoko to iwazu onna to iwazu, daremo ga kono eiga o tanoshimu deshou.
Be it men or women, everyone will enjoy this movie.
Getsu to iwazu ka to iwazu, ano mise wa mainichi konde imasu.
Be it Monday or Tuesday, that shop is busy every day.

Long explanation:

The grammar point Noun といわず Noun といわず is used when mentioning two things or situations and expressing the meaning of 'both A and B'. This structure can be used to express the idea of not only mentioning A but also implying B. It often used to show that something applies to multiple situations or subjects, without distinction.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Noun といわず Noun といわず (A to iwazu B to iwazu)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun といわず Noun といわず (A to iwazu B to iwazu)

Noun といわず (Noun to iwazu)

1. Introduction

"Noun といわず" is a Japanese grammar point that is used to express that something is not limited to one specific situation, category, or entity. It implies inclusivity or that something applies universally to multiple items or groups.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

  • Meaning: "といわず" literally translates to "not only ... but also" or "regardless of." It suggests that the subject is inclusive of various mentions without restriction.

  • Structure:

    • The structure consists of a noun followed by "といわず" and can be followed by another noun for comparison.
  • Formation Diagram:

  Noun A といわず (Noun B) といわず

Visual Aids

Noun A といわず Noun B といわず
日本 といわず 中国 といわず
勉強 といわず 仕事 といわず

This can be understood as: "Not only Japan but also China" or "Not only studying but also working."

3. Comparative Analysis

  • Similar Grammar Points:
    • "も": Used for listing items (e.g., 日本も中国も).
    • "だけでなく": More formal version of including multiple items, similar to "NounだけでなくNounも".


  • "といわず" emphasizes indifference to categorization, while "も" simply adds items to a list, and "だけでなく" showcases a more formal or polite inclusion.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples:

  1. Formal:
    • 日本といわず、中国といわず、多くの国がこの問題に直面しています。
    • Translation: "Not only Japan but also China, many countries are facing this problem."
  2. Informal:
    • 勉強といわず、遊びといわず、今は休む時間だよ。
    • Translation: "Not just studying or playing; it's time to rest now."
  3. Written:
    • 彼の成功は、努力といわず、運といわず、様々な要因によるものである。
    • Translation: "His success is due to various factors, not just effort but also luck."
  4. Spoken:
    • サッカーといわず、バスケットボールといわず、運動は好きだ。
    • Translation: "I like sports not just soccer but also basketball."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japanese culture, humility and inclusivity are valued. Using "といわず" reflects a non-comparative approach, which is often preferred in nuanced discussions.

Levels of Politeness

  • "といわず" can be used in both formal and informal contexts. However, it is advisable to use more formal alternatives like "だけでなく" in very formal situations or writing.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • "成人といわず子供といわず":
    • Translation: "Not only adults but also children."
    • Use: To talk inclusively about different ages.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Frequent Errors:
    • Misusing "といわず" by limiting context (e.g. only using one noun before "といわず").
    • Confusing it with "だけでなく" when casual tone is acceptable.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember "といわず" as "to include" and visualize a broader spectrum rather than being constrained to one category.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • "Noun といわず" indicates inclusivity across multiple subjects.
  • It can apply to varying forms of nouns without restriction.
  • Understand contextual use to gauge appropriate formality.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What does "Noun といわず" generally express?

    • A) Exclusivity
    • B) Inclusivity (Correct Answer)
  2. Is "といわず" suitable for informal conversations?

    • A) Yes (Correct Answer)
    • B) No
  3. Can "といわず" be used with just one noun?

    • A) Yes
    • B) No (Correct Answer) This lesson highlights the versatility of "Noun といわず," helping learners appreciate its usage in both casual and formal contexts.

Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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