Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Noun + というもの (~ to iu mono)

Noun + というもの (~ to iu mono)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'every', 'all'. Concept of generic reference.


Noun + というもの


Kodomo to iu mono wa, mainichi takusan asobimasu.
Children, as a group, play a lot every day.
Daigakusei to iu mono wa kenkyu ni jikan o takusan kakemasu.
University students spend a lot of time on research.
Nihon bunka to iu mono wa dentouteki na mono to atarashii mono ga mazatteimasu.
Japanese culture is a mixture of traditional and new.
Wakare to iu mono wa itsumo kanashii mono desu.
Goodbyes are always sad.

Long explanation:

This grammar point 'Noun + というもの' is usually used to express a general or universal truth, or to refer to all of the things or people of a certain category. Literally, it could be translated as 'every (noun)' or 'all of the (noun)'.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: Noun + というもの (~ to iu mono)

Japanese Grammar Point: Noun + というもの (~ to iu mono)

Noun + というもの (~というもの)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point Noun + というもの. This expression is used to emphasize or define the true nature or essence of something. It often conveys strong feelings, reflections, or philosophical thoughts about the noun it describes.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

  • Noun + というもの can be translated as:
    • "The thing called..."
    • "What is known as..."
    • "The very thing that is..."
    • "Indeed..."
  • Usage:
    • To reflect deeply on the nature or essence of something.
    • To emphasize the significance or importance of a concept.
    • To express strong feelings or opinions about a topic.


The structure is straightforward:

Noun + というもの
Noun というもの
  • Noun: Any noun or noun phrase.

Formation Diagram

graph LR
A[Noun] --> B[というもの]

3. Comparative Analysis

というもの vs. ということ

  • というもの:
    • Emphasizes the inherent nature or essence of a noun.
    • Often used for abstract concepts or to express strong feelings.
    • Example: 時間というものは貴重だ。
      (Time is something precious.)
  • ということ:
    • Explains or clarifies a situation or fact.
    • Can nominalize verbs or entire clauses.
    • Example: 彼が来ないということを聞いた。
      (I heard that he isn't coming.)

というもの vs. というの

  • というもの:
    • More formal and emphatic.
    • Used in written language or formal speeches.
    • Expresses a deeper reflection.
  • というの:
    • More casual and conversational.
    • Common in spoken Japanese.
    • Used to ask for explanations or definitions.
    • Example: 「侘び寂び」というのは何ですか。
      _(What is "wabi-sabi"?)

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. 人生というものは不思議なものだ。
    Jinsei to iu mono wa fushigi na mono da.
    Translation: Life is a mysterious thing.
  2. 愛というものがわからない人もいる。
    Ai to iu mono ga wakaranai hito mo iru.
    Translation: There are people who don't understand what love is.
  3. 友情というものの大切さを学んだ。
    Yūjō to iu mono no taisetsu-sa o mananda.
    Translation: I learned the importance of what we call friendship.
  4. 時間というものはあっという間に過ぎる。
    Jikan to iu mono wa atto iu ma ni sugiru.
    Translation: Time passes by in the blink of an eye.
  5. 努力というものが成功への鍵だ。
    Doryoku to iu mono ga seikō e no kagi da.
    Translation: Effort is the key to success.

Formal Context

  1. 教育というものの意義を再確認する必要がある。
    Kyōiku to iu mono no igi o saikakunin suru hitsuyō ga aru.
    Translation: We need to reassess the significance of what we call education.

Casual Spoken Context

  1. 幸せというものはお金で買えないよ。
    Shiawase to iu mono wa okane de kae nai yo.
    Translation: Happiness is something that can't be bought with money.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Philosophical Reflection: Japanese culture often values deep contemplation and reflection on abstract concepts such as life, time, and relationships.
  • Emphasis on Essence: Using というもの highlights the speaker's introspection about the true nature of something.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 礼儀というものを知らない人だ。
    Reigi to iu mono o shiranai hito da.
    Translation: He's a person who doesn't know what manners are.
  • 責任というものを感じていない。
    Sekinin to iu mono o kanjite inai.
    Translation: (They) don't feel any sense of responsibility.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Incorrect Usage with Verbs or Adjectives
    • Mistake: Using というもの directly with verbs or adjectives.
      • ❌ 美しいというもの花
        Utsukushii to iu mono hana
    • Correction:
      • Use という without もの when modifying nouns with verbs or adjectives.
      • ✔️ 美しいという花
        Utsukushii to iu hana
        Translation: A flower that is called beautiful.

Learning Strategies

  • Remember the Essence: Think of というもの as a way to delve into the essence of a noun.
  • Use with Abstract Nouns: It's often used with abstract concepts (love, life, time) to express deep thoughts.
  • Practice with Common Nouns: Create sentences using common abstract nouns to become comfortable with the structure.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Noun + というもの emphasizes the true nature or essence of something.
  • It's used to express strong feelings, reflections, or philosophical thoughts.
  • Remember to use it with nouns, especially abstract concepts, to highlight their significance.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: 努力________成功への道だ。
    a) というのは
    b) というものは
    c) ということは
  2. True or False: というもの can be used with adjectives to modify nouns.
  3. Choose the correct sentence:
    a) 幸せというものを探している。
    b) 大変というものな仕事です。


  1. b) というものは
    • 努力というものは成功への道だ。
      (Effort is the path to success.)
  2. False
    • というもの should not be used directly with adjectives or verbs.
  3. a) 幸せというものを探している。
    • (I'm searching for what we call happiness.)

By understanding and practicing Noun + というもの, you'll be able to express deeper reflections and emphasize the essence of concepts in Japanese. Keep practicing with different nouns to become more familiar with this expressive grammar point!


Ace your Japanese JLPT N5-N1 preparation.


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