Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
A。ただしB。 (A. Tadashi B)

Adding a condition or exception to a statement; 'however', 'provided that', 'but only if'.


Statement A + ただし + Condition B



Kono heya wo tsukatte mo ii desu. Tadashi, tsukatta ato de souji shite kudasai.

You can use this room. However, please clean up after you use it.


Ashita kara shucchou de fuzai ni narimasu. Tadashi, kinkyuu no baai wa keitai ni renraku shite kudasai.

I'll be away on a business trip starting tomorrow. However, in case of emergency, please contact me on my cell phone.


Shokuji dai wa zengaku kaisha ga futan shimasu. Tadashi, arukooru nomi jiko futan to narimasu.

The company will cover the entire meal cost. However, alcohol expenses will be borne by the individual.


Toshokan de hon wo kariru koto ga dekimasu. Tadashi, kigen nai ni kaesanakereba narimasen.

You can borrow books from the library. However, you must return them within the deadline.

Long Explanation

The grammar point A。ただしB is used to add a condition or exception to a previous statement. It can be translated to 'however', 'provided that', or 'but only if' in English. This structure consists of two parts: A (statement) and B (condition/exception). The word ただし is used to connect these two parts.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: A。ただしB。 (A. Tadashi B)

Japanese Grammar Point: A。ただしB。 (A. Tadashi B)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we will explore the Japanese conjunction ただし (tadashi), which is used to add exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to a preceding statement. Understanding how to use ただし effectively will help you create more nuanced and precise sentences in Japanese.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


ただし translates to "however," "but," or "provided that" in English. It is used to introduce a condition, exception, or contrast to the preceding statement.


  • A: Main statement or general rule.
  • ただし: Conjunction introducing an exception or condition.
  • B: Exception, condition, or additional information.

Formation Diagram

Component Role
A Main statement
ただし Conjunction ("however," "but," "provided that")
B Exception, condition, or contrasting statement

3. Comparative Analysis

While ただし is similar to other conjunctions like しかし (shikashi) and でも (demo), which also mean "however" or "but," it specifically introduces exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to the previous statement rather than merely contrasting it. | Conjunction | Usage | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------| | ただし | Adds exceptions or conditions | | しかし | Contrasts two statements | | でも | Informal contrast between two statements |

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. 図書館は午前9時から開館します。ただし、祝日は休館です。
    • Toshokan wa gozen ku-ji kara kaikan shimasu. Tadashi, shukujitsu wa kyūkan desu.
    • Translation: The library opens from 9 AM. However, it is closed on public holidays.
  2. この商品は返品できます。ただし、未使用の場合に限ります。
    • Kono shōhin wa hennpin dekimasu. Tadashi, mishiyō no baai ni kagirimasu.
    • Translation: You can return this product. However, only if it is unused.
  3. 会議は午後5時までです。ただし、進行状況によって延長することがあります。
    • Kaigi wa gogo go-ji made desu. Tadashi, shinkō jōkyō ni yotte enchō suru koto ga arimasu.
    • Translation: The meeting is until 5 PM. However, it may be extended depending on the progress.
  4. アルコールは20歳以上です。ただし、法律で許可された場合を除きます。
    • Arukōru wa hatachi ijō desu. Tadashi, hōritsu de kyoka sareta baai o nozokimasu.
    • Translation: Alcohol is for those over 20 years old. However, except in cases permitted by law.
  5. 試験は明日行います。ただし、天候によっては延期する可能性があります。
    • Shiken wa asu okonaimasu. Tadashi, tenkō ni yotte wa enkisuru kanōsei ga arimasu.
    • Translation: The exam will be held tomorrow. However, it may be postponed due to the weather.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

  • ただし is primarily used in formal or written language, such as official announcements, legal documents, academic writing, and formal speeches.
  • In casual conversation, people might use でも (demo) or けど (kedo) instead.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using ただし in Casual Conversation
    • Incorrect: 映画に行く。ただし、お金がない。
      • Eiga ni iku. Tadashi, okane ga nai.
    • Correct: 映画に行くけど、お金がない。
      • Eiga ni iku kedo, okane ga nai.
    • Tip: Use けど (kedo) or でも (demo) in casual contexts.
  2. Confusing ただし with しかし
    • ただし introduces an exception or condition to the previous statement.
    • しかし simply contrasts two statements and is more general in usage.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that ただし often introduces a "condition" or "exception"—think of "ただし" as "ただし条件があります" ("however, there's a condition").
  • Practice: Create your own sentences using ただし to introduce exceptions to rules or statements.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ただし is a formal conjunction meaning "however," "but," or "provided that."
  • Used to introduce exceptions, conditions, or qualifications to the preceding statement.
  • Commonly found in formal writing and speech.
  • Different from しかし and でも, which are used for general contrasts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the primary function of ただし in a sentence? a) To list items b) To introduce an exception or condition c) To ask a question
  2. Is ただし typically used in formal or casual contexts?
  3. Choose the correct conjunction for a formal exception:
    • I will attend the meeting. _____, I might be late due to traffic. a) でも b) けど c) ただし


  1. b) To introduce an exception or condition
  2. Formal contexts
  3. c) ただし

By mastering ただし, you can add depth to your Japanese by expressing exceptions and conditions clearly and formally. Remember to pay attention to the context and choose the appropriate conjunction based on the level of formality.

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