Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
A とも B とも (A tomo B tomo)

A とも B とも (A tomo B tomo)

Short explanation:

Express two possibilities; 'either A or B', 'whether A or B'.


Noun + とも + Noun + とも


Ketsudan tomo ayamari tomo, kekka wa jikan ga oshiete kureru deshou.
Whether it's a decision or a mistake, time will tell the result.
Kare wa chichi tomo ani tomo hanasemasen.
He can't talk to either his father or his brother.
Kanojo tomo tomodachi tomo eiga wo mini ikimasu.
I will go to see a movie with either my girlfriend or my friend.
Kono geemu ni wa jikan tomo doryoku tomo kakarimasu.
This game requires both time and effort.

Long explanation:

The 'Aとも B とも' grammar point is usually used to express two possible scenarios or items. It can be loosely translated as 'either A or B' or 'whether A or B' in English. Generally, it is used when the speaker wants to let listeners know both A and B are possibilities.

Detailed Grammar notes:

Processing keyword: A とも B とも (A tomo B tomo)

Japanese Grammar Point: A とも B とも (A tomo B tomo)

AともBとも (A tomo B tomo)

1. Introduction

In Japanese, expressing uncertainty or ambiguity is often necessary, especially when you cannot clearly define or categorize something. The grammar point AともBとも is used to convey that something cannot be definitively labeled as A or B. This structure is particularly useful for expressing nuanced opinions or observations.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


AともBとも translates to "Neither A nor B" or "Cannot say whether A or B". It is used when the speaker cannot definitively state that something is A or B, highlighting uncertainty or indecisiveness.


The basic formation of this grammar point is:

[A] とも [B] とも + 言えない/分からない/決められない/判断できない
  • A and B are usually adjectives, verbs in plain form, or nouns.
  • Often followed by verbs like 言えない (cannot say), 分からない (don't know), or 判断できない (cannot judge).

Formation Diagram

Component Explanation
Aとも "even A" (implying not definitively A)
Bとも "even B" (implying not definitively B)
言えない/分からない etc. Expression of inability to decide or define

Visual Aid

graph LR
A[Aとも] --> C{言えない<br/>分からない}
B[Bとも] --> C

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

  • AでもBでもない: Directly means "not A nor B". Used to state that something is neither A nor B.
    • Example: 彼は学生でも先生でもない。 (He is neither a student nor a teacher.) Comparison:
  • AともBとも言えない implies uncertainty or inability to classify, while AでもBでもない definitively states that something is neither A nor B.

4. Examples in Context

Example 1


  • 彼の表情は嬉しいとも悲しいとも判断できない。 Reading:
  • かれの ひょうじょう は うれしい とも かなしい とも はんだん できない。 Translation:
  • "I cannot determine whether his expression is happy or sad."

Example 2


  • その映画は面白いともつまらないとも言えない。 Reading:
  • その えいが は おもしろい とも つまらない とも いえない。 Translation:
  • "I can't say whether the movie is interesting or boring."

Example 3


  • この料理は美味しいとも美味しくないとも言えない味だ。 Reading:
  • この りょうり は おいしい とも おいしくない とも いえない あじ だ。 Translation:
  • "This dish has a taste that I can't say is delicious or not."

Example 4 (Formal Context)


  • 結果は成功とも失敗とも申せません。 Reading:
  • けっか は せいこう とも しっぱい とも もうせません。 Translation:
  • "I cannot say whether the results are a success or a failure."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese communication, expressing uncertainty or avoiding direct statements is common, especially to maintain harmony and avoid conflict. The use of AともBとも allows the speaker to convey ambiguity politely.

Levels of Politeness

  • The verbs following AともBとも can be adjusted for politeness:
    • Casual: 言えない (can't say)
    • Polite: 言えません (can't say)
    • Humble/Formal: 申せません (cannot say - humble form)

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Mistake: Using AともBとも with only one option.
    • Incorrect: 彼は行くとも言えない。
    • Correct: 彼は行くとも行かないとも言えない。
  • Mistake: Forgetting to include the verb expressing uncertainty.
    • Incorrect: 天気は晴れとも雨とも。
    • Correct: 天気は晴れとも雨とも分からない。

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that とも repeats after both A and B to emphasize the uncertainty about both options.
  • Tip: Pair AともBとも with verbs like 言えない, 判断できない, 分からない to complete the expression.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • AともBとも is used to express that something cannot be clearly defined as A or B.
  • It emphasizes uncertainty or the inability to make a definitive judgment.
  • Commonly followed by verbs expressing inability to decide, such as 言えない or 分からない.
  • Reflects the Japanese communication style of expressing ambiguity politely.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: その答えは正しいとも間違っているとも ______。
    • Answer: 言えない
  2. True or False: The structure AともBとも can be used to definitively state that something is neither A nor B.
    • Answer: False (It expresses uncertainty, not a definitive statement.)
  3. Choose the correct verb: 天気が良いとも悪いとも ______。
    • a) 思う
    • b) 分からない
    • c) 決めた
    • Answer: b) 分からない

Feel free to revisit the examples and explanations to reinforce your understanding of AともBとも. Practice by creating your own sentences using this grammar point!


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