Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
A だの B だの (A dano B dano)

Used to list examples (often with a critical or complaining tone); 'things like A, B, etc.'.


Noun/Verb casual + だの + Noun/Verb casual + だの



Kare wa itsumo chikoku dano, shigoto o wasureru dano de komaru.

I'm troubled because he's always late, forgets work, and so on.


Kanojo wa atarashii fuku dano, keshouhin dano ni yoku okane o tsukaimasu.

She often spends money on new clothes, cosmetics, and so on.


Kare ga iu ni wa, ongaku dano, eiga dano, hon dano ga suki rashii.

He says he likes music, movies, books, and so on.


Kodomo ni wa okashi dano, omocha dano, suki na mono o kagirinaku ataete agetai.

I want to give children all the things they like, such as sweets and toys, without limit.

Long Explanation

The ~だの~だの grammar point is used to list examples, typically in a casual or complaining tone. It can be translated as 'things like... and so on'.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: A だの B だの (A dano B dano)

Japanese Grammar Point: A だの B だの (A dano B dano)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the grammar pattern AだのBだの (A dano B dano), a useful structure in Japanese used to list multiple items or actions, often with a sense of dissatisfaction or criticism. Understanding this pattern will help you express complex thoughts and opinions more naturally in Japanese.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


The pattern AだのBだの is used to list examples of things or actions, typically to express annoyance, criticism, or discontent. It can be translated as:

  • "Things like A and B..."
  • "A, B, and so on..."
  • "This and that..."


The structure of AだのBだの is as follows:

  • NounだのNounだの
  • Verb (plain form) だの Verb (plain form) だの

Formation Diagram

Part of Speech Formation
Nouns Noun だの Noun だの
Verbs Verb (plain form) だの Verb (plain form) だの
Adjectives Not commonly used

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with や (ya)

  • や (ya) is another particle used to list multiple items ("AやB" meaning "A and B and so on").
  • Difference: is neutral and simply lists items, whereas だの often conveys a negative tone or expresses the speaker's dissatisfaction. Example with や:
  • りんごバナナを買いました。
    • "I bought apples, bananas, and so on." (Neutral listing)

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Nouns

彼は部屋が汚い。服だのだのが床に散らかっている。 Reading:
かれは へやが きたない。ふく だの ほん だの が ゆかに ちらかっている。 English Translation:
"His room is messy. Things like clothes and books are scattered on the floor."

Example 2: Verbs

彼女は仕事が忙しい。会議に出るだの資料を作るだの、休む暇もない。 Reading:
かのじょは しごとが いそがしい。かいぎに でる だの しりょうを つくる だの、やすむ ひまも ない。 English Translation:
"She is busy with work. She's attending meetings, making documents, and has no time to rest."

Example 3: Expressing Annoyance

弟はゲームをするだのテレビを見るだのして、全然勉強しない。 Reading:
おとうとは ゲームを する だの テレビを みる だの して、ぜんぜん べんきょうしない。 English Translation:
"My younger brother is playing games, watching TV, and not studying at all."

Example 4: Formal Context

店長は品質管理だの顧客対応だの、様々な問題に直面している。 Reading:
てんちょうは ひんしつかんり だの こきゃくたいおう だの、さまざまな もんだいに ちょくめんしている。 English Translation:
"The store manager is facing various issues like quality control, customer service, and so on."

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • だの is fairly casual and might carry a negative connotation. It's commonly used in spoken language and informal writing.
  • It's advisable to be cautious when using だの, especially in formal situations or with superiors.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • Combining だの with complaints or lists of troubles is common in Japanese, reflecting a cultural tendency to express dissatisfaction indirectly.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using だの in Positive Contexts
    • Misuse: 喜びだの幸せだのがいっぱいだ。
      • (Incorrect, as だの typically isn't used for positive listings)
    • Correction: 喜び幸せいっぱいだ。
  2. Overusing だの in Formal Writing
    • だの is informal; using it in formal essays or business correspondence is inappropriate.

Tips to Remember

  • Negative Connotation: Associate だの with complaints or criticisms.
  • Casual Tone: Use だの in conversations with friends or peers, not in formal settings.
  • Mnemonic Device: Think of だの as "darn those..." to recall the slightly negative tone.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • AだのBだの is used to list multiple items or actions, often expressing dissatisfaction.
  • The structure can be used with nouns and verbs in their plain form.
  • It carries a casual and somewhat negative connotation.
  • Be cautious with its usage in formal contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the main connotation associated with the grammar point AだのBだの?
  2. Is it appropriate to use だの in a formal business email? Why or why not?
  3. Translate the following sentence using だの: "He's always complaining about the weather, the traffic, and so on."


  1. It is used to express dissatisfaction, annoyance, or criticism while listing items or actions.
  2. No, because だの is informal and carries a negative tone, which is unsuitable for formal business communication.
  3. 彼は天気が悪いだの渋滞がひどいだの、いつも文句を言っている。

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