Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~極まる (〜kiwamaru)

Also expresses an extreme degree or state, typically negative.


な-Adjective(語幹)+ 極まる, い-Adjective(連用形)+ こと + 極まる, etc.



Kare no gendou wa shitsurei kiwamaru.

His words and actions are extremely rude.


Sono taido wa hijoushiki kiwamaru.

That behavior is utterly irrational.


Kanojo no hatsugen wa musekinin kiwamaru.

Her remark is extremely irresponsible.


Kono youna gokai wa ikan kiwamaru.

Such a misunderstanding is exceedingly regrettable.

Long Explanation

The ~極まる form often appears with な-adjectives: e.g., 失礼極まる, 非常識極まる ('extremely rude/unreasonable'). It's largely synonymous with ~極まりない but tends to appear in set phrases. Both forms are quite formal and emphatic.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~極まる (〜kiwamaru)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~極まる (〜kiwamaru)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the grammar point ~極まる (〜きわまる). This expression is used to indicate that something is extremely or exceedingly in a particular state. It emphasizes that a condition has reached its utmost limit.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

The verb 極まる (きわまる) means "to reach an extreme" or "to be extremely...". When combined with adjectives, it expresses that something is in an extreme state of that adjective.

Meaning, Structure, Formation Diagram


  • To be extremely...
  • To reach the utmost extreme of...


  • な-adjective + 極まる
  • な-adjective + 極まりない

Formation Diagram

Component Formation Example
な-adjective + 極まる [Adjective] + 極まる 失礼 + 極まる = 失礼極まる
な-adjective + 極まりない [Adjective] + 極まりない 危険 + 極まりない = 危険極まりない

Visual Aid

Adjective Type Combination Resulting Expression
な-adjective 失礼 + 極まる 失礼極まる
な-adjective 不快 + 極まりない 不快極まりない

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Points

  • ~の極み (〜のきわみ): Used to express "the utmost of..." or "the ultimate...", often in set phrases.
    • Example: 感激の極み (the utmost of gratitude)

Differences and Nuances

  • ~極まる is used with な-adjectives to form a verb phrase meaning "extremely...".
  • ~の極み is a noun phrase meaning "the utmost of...", often used with nouns.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 彼の無礼極まる態度に驚いた。
    • かれのぶれいきわまるたいどにおどろいた。
    • I was shocked by his extremely rude attitude.
  2. その決断は危険極まりない。
    • そのけつだんはきけんきわまりない。
    • That decision is extremely dangerous.

Informal Context

  1. 彼女の行動は非常識極まる。
    • かのじょのこうどうはひじょうしききわまる。
    • Her actions are utterly unreasonable.
  2. そんなことを言うなんて、失礼極まりない。
    • そんなことをいうなんて、しつれいきわまりない。
    • Saying something like that is extremely rude.

Written Context

  1. 彼の作品は美的でありながらも、退屈極まるものだった。
    • かれのさくひんはびてきでありながらも、たいくつきわまるものだった。
    • His work was aesthetically pleasing, yet utterly boring.
  2. それは遺憾極まりない結果となった。
    • それはいかんきわまりないけっかとなった。
    • That resulted in an extremely regrettable outcome.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Formality and Politeness: ~極まる is often used in formal writing, news reports, or formal speeches. It carries a strong emotional tone, typically negative.
  • Social Norms: Using this expression implies a strong judgment or criticism. It's important to be cautious when using it in conversation, as it may come across as harsh.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 感極まる (かんきわまる): To be overcome with emotion (often positive feelings).
    • Example: 彼女は感極まって涙を流した。
      • かのじょはかんきわまってなみだをながした。
      • She was so moved that she shed tears.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Incorrect Attachment: Attaching 極まる to い-adjectives.
    • Incorrect: 忙しい極まる
    • Correct: 多忙極まる (Use the な-adjective form)

Learning Strategies

  • Remember the Polarity: 極まる is often used with negative adjectives to express criticism.
  • Associate with Extremes: Connect with "extreme" to recall that it indicates the utmost degree.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • Usage: Attach 極まる or 極まりない to the stem of a な-adjective.
  • Meaning: Expresses that something is extremely or exceedingly in a particular state.
  • Context: Commonly used in formal or written Japanese, especially to express strong negative feelings.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you form an expression using ~極まる with the adjective "disrespectful" (失礼)?
  2. Is ~極まる typically used with い-adjectives or な-adjectives?
  3. Translate to English: 彼の行為は非常識極まりない。


  1. 失礼極まる or 失礼極まりない.
  2. It is typically used with な-adjectives.
  3. "His actions are extremely absurd."

By mastering ~極まる, you can convey strong emotions and judgments, adding depth to your Japanese expression, especially in formal contexts.

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