Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~極まりない (〜kiwamarinai)

Expresses an extreme state, often negative; 'utterly', 'extremely', 'boundlessly'.


な-Adjective(語幹)+ 極まりない, い-Adjective(連用形)+ こと + 極まりない, Noun + の極まりない



Kare no shitsurei na taido wa kiwamarinai.

His rude attitude is utterly beyond words.


Sono unten wa kiken kiwamarinai.

That driving is extremely dangerous.


Kanojo no wagamama-buri wa hijoushiki kiwamarinai.

Her selfishness is utterly irrational.


Kono heya no kitasa wa fueisei kiwamarinai.

The filthiness of this room is extremely unsanitary.

Long Explanation

The ~極まりない grammar point indicates an extreme or utmost degree, most commonly with a negative nuance (e.g., 失礼極まりない, 危険極まりない). It can sometimes be used for positive contexts, but that usage is less common.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~極まりない (〜kiwamarinai)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~極まりない (〜kiwamarinai)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point ~極まりない (〜kiwamarinai). This expression is used to describe something that is extremely or exceedingly in a certain state, often with a negative connotation. Understanding how to use ~極まりない will help you emphasize the extremity of a situation or characteristic in Japanese.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


~極まりない means "extremely," "utterly," or "in the utmost degree." It is used to express that something is at an extreme level of a certain quality, often negative.


The structure involves attaching 極まりない to the stem of a ナ-adjective or to certain nouns.


  • ナ-adjective stem + 極まりない


  • 失礼 (しつれい) + 極まりない失礼極まりない
  • 危険 (きけん) + 極まりない危険極まりない

Formation Diagram

Component Form Notes
ナ-adjective stem 失礼 (しつれい) Remove the "な" from "失礼な"
Attach 極まりない 失礼極まりない Add "極まりない" to the adjective stem

3. Comparative Analysis

~極まりない vs. ~極まる

While both expressions convey extremity, they are used slightly differently.

  • ~極まりない: Used with ナ-adjective stems to mean "extremely [adjective]."
  • ~極まる: Used with ナ-adjective stems or certain nouns, can mean "to reach an extreme of [noun/adj]."
    Expression Usage Example
    ~極まりない ナ-adjective stem + 極まりない 不快極まりない
    ~極まる ナ-adjective stem/noun + 極まる 美極まる風景

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

Example 1

彼の態度は失礼極まりない。 かれのたいどはしつれいきわまりない。

  • Translation: "His attitude is extremely rude."

Example 2

そんな危険極まりない行為をしてはいけない。 そんなきけんきわまりないこういをしてはいけない。

  • Translation: "You must not engage in such extremely dangerous behavior."

Example 3

彼女の発言は不愉快極まりないものだった。 かのじょのはつげんはふゆかいきわまりないものだった。

  • Translation: "Her remarks were extremely unpleasant."

Example 4

その映画は退屈極まりない内容だった。 そのえいがはたいくつきわまりないないようだった。

  • Translation: "That movie's content was extremely boring."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese culture, expressing strong negative emotions directly is often avoided to maintain harmony. However, using expressions like ~極まりない is acceptable in writing or formal speech to emphasize serious dissatisfaction or criticism.

Levels of Politeness

  • Formal/Written Language: ~極まりない is more commonly used in formal contexts, such as news reports, official statements, and literature.
  • Politeness Level: It carries a strong tone, so use it cautiously to avoid sounding overly harsh in casual conversations.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 遺憾極まりない (いかんきわまりない)
    • Meaning: "Extremely regrettable"
    • Usage: Often used in formal apologies or statements expressing deep regret.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Attachment:
    • Incorrect: 失礼な極まりない
    • Correct: 失礼極まりない Tip: Do not use the "な" in ナ-adjectives when attaching 極まりない.
  2. Using with い-Adjectives:
    • Incorrect: 悲しい極まりない
    • Correct: 悲しさ極まりない Tip: Convert い-adjectives to their noun form by replacing "い" with "さ" before attaching 極まりない.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Remember that 極まりない means "there is no end (ない) to how extreme (極まり) something is."
  • Practice Exercises: Create sentences using various ナ-adjectives to become comfortable with the structure.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~極まりない expresses that something is extremely or utterly in a certain state.
  • Attach 極まりない directly to the ナ-adjective stem without "な."
  • Commonly used in formal or written contexts with a negative connotation.

Quick Recap Quiz

Question 1: How do you form ~極まりない with the adjective 危険な (dangerous)? a) 危険な極まりない
b) 危険極まりない
c) 危険で極まりない

Answer b) 危険極まりない
--- **Question 2:** Translate the following sentence: **その行為は非常識極まりない。** *そのこういはひじょうしききわまりない。* a) "That action is somewhat sensible." b) "That action is extremely sensible." c) "That action is utterly absurd."
Answer c) "That action is utterly absurd."

By understanding and practicing ~極まりない, you'll be able to express extreme states effectively in Japanese. Remember to use it appropriately, considering the formality and strength of the expression.

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