Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~ほど~ (〜hodo〜)

Expresses the degree or extent; 'about', 'to the extent', 'as much as'.


Verb-casual + ほど, い-Adjective + ほど, な-Adjective + ほど, Noun + ほど



Kanojo wa watashi hodo hayaku hashiru koto ga dekimasen.

She cannot run as fast as me.


Kono keeki wa ano keeki hodo oishikunai.

This cake is not as delicious as that cake.


Nihon hodo shiki ga hakkiri shite iru kuni wa nai.

There is no country with as distinct seasons as Japan.


Toukyou wa Oosaka hodo hito ga ookunai.

Tokyo does not have as many people as Osaka.

Long Explanation

The ~ほど grammar point is used to express the degree or extent of something. It can be translated as 'about', 'to the extent', or 'as much as' in English. The formation differs depending on whether it is used with a verb, い-adjective, な-adjective, or noun.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~ほど~ (〜hodo〜)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~ほど~ (〜hodo〜)

1. Introduction

The grammar point ~ほど~ (〜hodo〜) is a versatile expression in Japanese used to indicate the extent or degree of something. It often translates to "to the extent that," "so... that," or "the more... the more..." in English. Mastering this grammar point will help you express comparisons and proportional relationships in Japanese with greater nuance.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • ほど conveys the extent, degree, or proportion of an action or state.
  • It is used to express:
    • Extent or Degree: "so much that," "to the extent that"
    • Proportional Relationships: "the more..., the more..."


Formation Diagram

Type Formation Example
Verb Verb Dictionary Form + ほど 食べるほど (to the extent that one eats)
い-adjective い-adjective + ほど 早いほど (the earlier, the more...)
な-adjective な-adjective + なほど 静かなほど (the quieter, the more...)
Noun Noun + ほど 子供ほど (as much as a child)

Detailed Explanation

1. Expressing Extent or Degree

ほど is used to indicate that something is so [adjective/verb] that [result].

  • Usage: To express that the degree of something is so extreme that it leads to a certain result. Example:
  • 彼は信じられないほど速く走る。
    • He runs so fast that it's unbelievable.

2. Expressing Proportional Relationships (The more..., the more...)

When combined with the conditional form of a verb or adjective, ほど expresses a proportional relationship.

  • Usage: To indicate that as one thing increases, another thing also increases. Structure:
  • Verb Conditional Form + Verb Dictionary Form + ほど Example:
  • 勉強すればするほど、賢くなる。
    • The more you study, the smarter you become.

3. Comparative Analysis

~ほど~ vs. ~くらい/ぐらい~

Both ほど and くらい/ぐらい can be used to express the extent or degree of something, but there are subtle differences:

ほど くらい/ぐらい
Formality More formal Less formal / Colloquial
Usage Extent, Proportional relationships Approximate amounts or degrees
Nuance Emphasizes a measurable extent Suggests an approximate or rough idea
  • 泣きたいほど嬉しい。
    • I'm so happy that I want to cry. (Strong emphasis)
  • 泣きたいくらい嬉しい。
    • I'm so happy I could cry. (Less formal)

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

1. Verb + ほど

  • 美味しいものは食べるほど好きになる。
    • The more I eat delicious food, the more I like it.

2. い-adjective + ほど

  • 日本語は勉強するほど面白い。
    • Japanese becomes more interesting the more you study it.

3. な-adjective + なほど

  • 彼女は親切なほど人気がある。
    • The kinder she is, the more popular she becomes.

4. Noun + ほど

  • 山登りは高い山ほど難しい。
    • Mountain climbing is more difficult the higher the mountain.

5. Conditional Form + ほど (Proportional Relationship)

  • 考えれば考えるほど分からなくなる。
    • The more I think about it, the less I understand.

Formal vs. Informal Usage

  • Formal:
    • これは驚くほどの成果です。
      • This is an astonishing achievement.
  • Informal:
    • あの映画、泣くほどじゃないよ。
      • That movie isn't so good that you'd cry.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japanese communication, expressing the extent or degree of feelings or actions is common and conveys depth of emotion or intensity.
  • Using ほど allows speakers to emphasize their feelings politely and effectively.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • ほど is appropriate in both formal and informal contexts.
  • It adds a level of sophistication, making it suitable for academic writing or formal speeches.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 身に染みるほど: Deeply, profoundly.
    • 冬の寒さが身に染みるほどだ。
      • I feel the winter cold deeply.
  • 見るほど: The more one looks.
    • 彼女は見るほどに美しくなる。
      • She becomes more beautiful the more you look at her.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  • Mistake: Using ほど with the wrong verb form.
    • Incorrect: 忙しいほどに、時間がない。
    • Correct: 忙しいほど時間がない。
      • The busier I am, the less time I have.
  • Mistake: Confusing ほど with まで (until).
    • Incorrect: お腹が痛いまで食べた。
    • Correct: お腹が痛くなるほど食べた。
      • I ate so much that my stomach started to hurt.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of ほど as "hold" in English — how much you can "hold" or the extent you can go.
  • Practice Tip: Create sentences using daily activities to express "the more..., the more..." to become comfortable with proportional relationships.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ほど is used to express the extent, degree, or proportional relationship of actions or states.
  • It can be attached to verbs, adjectives, and nouns.
  • Understanding the difference between ほど and くらい/ぐらい is important for proper nuance.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: 走れば走る**____**疲れる。
    • Answer: ほど
  2. True or False: ほど can only be used in formal contexts.
    • Answer: False (It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.)
  3. Choose the correct translation: "The colder it gets, the more I want to stay indoors." a) 寒いほど家にいたくなる。 b) 寒くなるほど家にいたくなる。
    • Answer: b) 寒くなるほど家にいたくなる。

By understanding and practicing ~ほど~ (〜hodo〜), you'll enhance your ability to express complex relationships between actions and states in Japanese. Use this grammar point to add depth to your conversations and writings!

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