Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~はもちろん~も (〜wa mochiron 〜mo)

Used for emphasizing that not only one thing but also another thing is included. It means 'not only... but also' or 'of course... and...'.


Noun1 + はもちろん + Noun2 + も



Kare wa suugaku wa mochiron, eigo mo tokui desu.

Not only is he good at math, but he is also good at English.


Kono resutoran wa washoku wa mochiron, youshoku mo oishii desu.

This restaurant not only has delicious Japanese food but also delicious Western food.


Watashi no shumi wa ongaku wa mochiron, dokusho mo daisuki desu.

My hobbies are not only listening to music, but I also love reading.


Toukyou wa kankou wa mochiron, bijinesu mo sakan desu.

Tokyo is not only famous for sightseeing but also has a thriving business scene.

Long Explanation

The ~はもちろん~も grammar point is used to emphasize that not only the first thing mentioned is included, but also the second thing. It can be translated as 'not only... but also' or 'of course... and...' in English. This grammar phrase can be used with nouns.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~はもちろん~も (〜wa mochiron 〜mo)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~はもちろん~も (〜wa mochiron 〜mo)

1. Introduction

The grammar pattern ~はもちろん~も (~はもちろん、~も) is used in Japanese to express that not only one thing but also another thing exists or is applicable. It emphasizes that something is a given (of course), and in addition, there is something else. English Equivalent: "Not only ~, but also ~", "Of course ~, also ~"

2. Core Grammar Explanation


This grammar pattern is used to indicate that the first item is obvious or given, and the second item is also included. It emphasizes the inclusion of multiple things, with the first being the expected or obvious one.



Part of Speech Formation
Noun Noun₁ はもちろん Noun₂
Verb Verb (dictionary form) のはもちろん Noun₂


  • はもちろん (wa mochiron): "speaking of ~, it goes without saying"
  • も (mo): "also", "too"

Formation Diagram

[Item A] はもちろん、[Item B] も ...
  • Item A: The obvious or expected item.
  • Item B: The additional item being emphasized.

3. Comparative Analysis

Similar Grammar Patterns

  1. ~だけでなく~も (~dake de naku ~mo)
    • Meaning: "Not only ~, but also ~"
    • Usage: Similar in meaning but used more in written language.
    • Example: 彼は英語だけでなく、フランス語話せる。
  2. ~ばかりか~も (~bakari ka ~mo)
    • Meaning: "Not only ~, but also ~"
    • Usage: Adds surprise or emphasis to the addition.
    • Example: 彼女は歌ばかりか、ダンス得意だ。 Difference:
  • ~はもちろん~も emphasizes that the first item is a given and includes the second.
  • ~だけでなく~も is used to add information but doesn't imply the first is obvious.
  • ~ばかりか~も adds emphasis or surprise to the addition.

4. Examples in Context

Example Sentences

  1. Formal / Written
    • Japanese: このレストランは味はもちろん、サービス素晴らしいです。
    • Romaji: Kono resutoran wa aji wa mochiron, sābisu mo subarashii desu.
    • English: This restaurant's taste is, of course, great, and the service is also excellent.
  2. Informal / Spoken
    • Japanese: あの歌手は日本はもちろん、海外でも有名だよ。
    • Romaji: Ano kashu wa Nihon wa mochiron, kaigai demo yūmei da yo.
    • English: That singer is famous not only in Japan but also overseas.
  3. Casual Conversation
    • Japanese: 君の気持ちはもちろんわかるけど、彼の意見大事だ。
    • Romaji: Kimi no kimochi wa mochiron wakaru kedo, kare no iken mo daiji da.
    • English: I of course understand your feelings, but his opinion is also important.
  4. Business Context
    • Japanese: 新製品の品質はもちろん、価格競争力があります。
    • Romaji: Shinseihin no hinshitsu wa mochiron, kakaku mo kyōsōryoku ga arimasu.
    • English: The new product's quality is, of course, good, and its price is also competitive.
  5. Academic Writing
    • Japanese: 研究ではデータの正確さはもちろん、客観性求められる。
    • Romaji: Kenkyū dewa dēta no seikakusa wa mochiron, kakkansei mo motomerareru.
    • English: In research, not only is the accuracy of data expected, but also objectivity is required.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

  • The pattern ~はもちろん~も can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
  • It is versatile and appropriate for spoken and written Japanese.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • もちろんながら is a formal variation, often used in speeches or formal writing.
    • Example: 皆様はもちろんながら、ご家族の健康お祈りいたします。

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Incorrect Particle Usage
    • Mistake: 彼は英語ももちろん、フランス語も話せる。
    • Correction: 彼は英語はもちろん、フランス語話せる。
  2. Overusing in One Sentence
    • Mistake: 彼はもちろん、彼女はもちろん、友達ももちろん来ます。
    • Correction: 彼はもちろん、彼女友達来ます。


  • Remember that はもちろん attaches to the item that is given or obvious.
  • Use to add additional items.
  • Think of はもちろん as "speaking of ~, it goes without saying".

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~はもちろん~も is used to emphasize that not only is the first item obvious, but the second item also applies.
  • It is formed by attaching はもちろん to the first noun or verb nominalization, and to the additional noun.
  • It highlights inclusion and can be used in various contexts.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Translate the following sentence using ~はもちろん~も: "She can play not only the piano but also the violin." Answer:
    • Japanese: 彼女はピアノはもちろん、バイオリン弾けます。
    • Romaji: Kanojo wa piano wa mochiron, baiorin mo hikemasu.
  2. Identify the mistake:
    • Sentence: 日本料理ももちろん、寿司が好きです。 Answer:
    • The particle should be before もちろん.
    • Correction: 日本料理はもちろん、寿司が好きです。
  3. Fill in the blanks:
    • スポーツ**____**、音楽**____**好きだ。 Answer:
    • スポーツはもちろん、音楽好きだ。

By understanding and practicing this grammar point, you can express inclusivity and emphasize additional information naturally in Japanese.

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