Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~に対して (~ni taishite)

Indicates a target or contrast; 'toward', 'against', 'in contrast to', 'in response to'.


Verb-casual + に対して, い-Adjective + に対して, な-Adjective + に対して, Noun + に対して



Kodomotachi ni taishite, oya wa tsune ni yasashiku aru beki desu.

Parents should always be kind towards their children.


Kare wa shitsumon ni taishite shoujiki ni kotaemashita.

He answered the questions honestly.


Tanaka-san wa seikou shita ni taishite, Satou-san wa shippai shimashita.

In contrast to Tanaka-san's success, Satou-san failed.


Kare no iken ni taishite, watashi wa hantai no tachiba wo torimashita.

In response to his opinion, I took an opposing stance.

Long Explanation

The ~に対して grammar point is used to indicate the target or direction of an action, or to show a contrast between two situations or objects. It can be translated as 'toward', 'against', 'in contrast to', or 'in response to' in English. It can be used with verbs, adjectives, and nouns.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~に対して (~ni taishite)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~に対して (~ni taishite)

1. Introduction

The grammar point ~に対して (~ni taishite) is a versatile expression in Japanese that is used to indicate direction towards a target, contrast between two things, or a response to something. It can be translated as "towards," "against," "in contrast to," or "whereas" in English.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • Towards; Against; In contrast to; Whereas


  1. Indicating Direction or Target of an Action: Used when an action is directed towards a person, object, or concept.
    • 先生 に対して 質問があります。
      • I have a question for the teacher.
  2. Expressing Contrast Between Two Subjects: Highlighting differences between two things.
    • 姉は音楽が好きなの に対して、弟はスポーツが好きだ。
      • Whereas my sister likes music, my brother likes sports.
  3. Responding or Reacting to Something: Showing a reaction or response towards an event or statement.
    • その提案 に対して、反対意見はありません。
      • There are no opposing opinions against that proposal.


Formation Diagram

[ Noun / Phrase ] + に対して


  • Noun / Phrase: The target, object of contrast, or reference point.
  • に対して: A fixed expression meaning "towards," "against," "in contrast to," etc.

3. Comparative Analysis

~に対して vs. ~について

  • ~に対して: Indicates direction towards or contrast.
    • 彼の意見 に対して 反論する。
      • I refute his opinion.
  • ~について: Means "about" or "regarding."
    • 彼の意見 について 考える。
      • I think about his opinion.

~に対して vs. ~にとって

  • ~に対して: Shows action towards or contrast.
    • 子供 に対して 厳しい態度を取る。
      • Take a strict attitude towards children.
  • ~にとって: Indicates perspective or judgment.
    • 子供 にとって この本は難しい。
      • This book is difficult for children.

4. Examples in Context

Formal Context

  1. 政府に対して**、国民の不満が高まっています。
    • The public's dissatisfaction towards the government is increasing.
  2. 新しい制度 に対して、多くの質問が寄せられた。
    • Many questions were raised regarding the new system.

Informal Context

  1. は内向的なのに対して、私は社交的だ。
    • Whereas my older brother is introverted, I'm sociable.
  2. 彼の言い訳 に対して、彼女は何も言わなかった。
    • She said nothing in response to his excuses.

Written Context

  1. 学生の要望 に対して、大学は寮を増設した。
    • The university added more dormitories in response to student requests.
  2. この製品 に対する 評価は高い。
    • The evaluation of this product is high.

Spoken Context

  1. この問題 に対して、どう対処すべきでしょうか?
    • How should we deal with this problem?
  2. 彼の態度 に対して、皆が驚いた。
    • Everyone was surprised at his attitude.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese communication, it's important to address people and topics respectfully. Using ~に対して allows speakers to discuss opinions, contrasts, and actions directed at others without sounding confrontational. It helps maintain harmony by providing a neutral way to express differences or reactions.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 敵意に対して微笑みを返す
    • Return a smile in the face of hostility.
  • 困難に対して立ち向かう
    • Confront difficulties.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Confusing ~に対して with ~について
    • Incorrect: 日本文化 に対して 勉強しています。
    • Correct: 日本文化 について 勉強しています。
    • Explanation: Use ~について when meaning "about" or "regarding."
  2. Using ~に対して when ~にとって is Appropriate
    • Incorrect: 私 に対して、この仕事は大変です。
    • Correct: 私 にとって、この仕事は大変です。
    • Explanation: Use ~にとって to express an opinion or perception.

Learning Strategies

  • Remember the Keyword "Against": Think of 対 (たい) as "versus" or "against," which can help recall that ~に対して often involves contrast or direction towards something.
  • Practice by Contrasting: Create sentences that compare two things to get comfortable with using ~に対して.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~に対して is used to indicate direction towards someone or something, express contrast, or show a response.
  • It is versatile and can be used in various contexts, both formal and informal.
  • Be careful not to confuse it with similar expressions like ~について (about) or ~にとって (from the perspective of).

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Fill in the blank: 彼女の意見 ___ 、私たちは真剣に検討する必要がある。 a) にとって
    b) に対して
    c) について
  2. True or False: ~に対して can be used to express a contrast between two subjects.
  3. Choose the correct usage of ~に対して: a) 日本語 に対して 勉強しています。
    b) 日本語 について 勉強しています。


  1. b) に対して
  2. True
  3. b) 日本語について勉強しています。

By understanding and practicing the use of ~に対して, you can add depth to your Japanese expressions, especially when discussing contrasts, reactions, or directed actions.

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