Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~に (〜ni)

Indicates direction, destination, purpose, or time.


Noun + に



Haha wa watashi ni keiki wo tsukurimashita.

My mother made a cake for me.


Kanojo wa Toukyou ni hikkoshimashita.

She moved to Tokyo.


Ginkou ni okane wo azukemasu.

I deposit money in the bank.


Watashi wa shichi ji ni okimasu.

I wake up at 7 o'clock.

Long Explanation

The ~に grammar point is one of the most versatile Japanese particles. It is commonly used to indicate the direction or destination of an action, to show the purpose of an action or item, or to specify a point in time. Depending on the context, it can be translated as 'to', 'at', 'in', 'on', or 'for' in English.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~に (〜ni)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~に (〜ni)

1. Introduction

Welcome to today's lesson on the Japanese particle に (ni). This versatile particle is fundamental in Japanese grammar, and mastering its various uses is essential for effective communication. We'll explore its multiple functions, providing clear explanations and examples to help you understand and use naturally.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Meaning and Usage

The particle に (ni) is used to indicate:

  1. Location of existence.
  2. Direction or Destination of movement.
  3. Specific Time when an action occurs.
  4. Purpose of an action.
  5. Indirect Object receiving an action.
  6. Change of State or result.
  7. Agent in passive and causative sentences.

Structure and Formation

1. Indicating Location (Existence)

Used with verbs ある (aru) and いる (iru) to express the existence of something or someone at a location. Structure:

Noun (Place) + に + ある/いる


  • 駅の前にコンビニがある。
    • There is a convenience store in front of the station.

2. Indicating Direction or Destination

Used with verbs of motion to indicate where someone or something is moving to. Structure:

Noun (Place) + に + 行く/来る/帰る


  • 学校に行きます。
    • I go to school.

3. Indicating Specific Time

Used to specify the exact time when an action takes place. Structure:

Noun (Time) + に + Verb


  • 午後5時に会いましょう。
    • Let's meet at 5 PM.

4. Indicating Purpose

Used with the stem form of a verb to indicate the purpose of movement. Structure:

Verb Stem + に + 行く/来る/帰る


  • 本を買いに行く。
    • I go to buy a book.

5. Indicating Indirect Object

Used to indicate the person or thing receiving an action. Structure:

Noun (Recipient) + に + Verb


  • 友達にプレゼントをあげた。
    • I gave a present to my friend.

6. Indicating Change of State

Used with verbs like なる (naru) to indicate a change into a state. Structure:

Noun/Adjective + に + なる


  • 医者になりました。
    • I became a doctor.

7. Indicating Agent in Passive and Causative Sentences

Used to indicate the doer of an action in passive or causative forms. Structure (Passive):

Noun (Agent) + に + Passive Verb


  • 犬に足を噛まれた。
    • My leg was bitten by a dog.

Visual Aids

Formation Diagram

[Subject] + [Particle に] + [Verb]

Usage Summary Table

Usage Structure Example
Location (Existence) Place に ある/いる 教室に先生がいます。
Direction/Destination Place に 行く/来る/帰る 店に行く。
Specific Time Time に Verb 7時に起きる。
Purpose Verb Stem に 行く/来る/帰る 食べに行く。
Indirect Object Recipient に Verb 母に電話する。
Change of State Noun/Adj に なる 有名になる。
Agent (Passive/Causative) Agent に Passive/Causative Verb 彼に叱られた。

3. Comparative Analysis

に (ni) vs. で (de)

  • に (ni) indicates a point in time or space, destination, or purpose.
  • で (de) indicates the location of an action, means, or material. Examples:
  • 図書館本を読む。
    • I read books at the library. (Location of action)
  • 図書館行く。
    • I go to the library. (Destination)

に (ni) vs. へ (e)

  • Both can indicate direction, but へ (e) emphasizes the direction toward a place, while に (ni) emphasizes arrival at the destination. Examples:
  • 日本行きたい。
    • I want to go to Japan. (Emphasis on direction)
  • 日本行ったことがある。
    • I have been to Japan. (Emphasis on arrival)

4. Examples in Context

Formal Speech

Location (Existence)

  • 公園に誰もいません。
    • There is no one in the park.


  • 明日、会社に参ります。
    • I will come to the company tomorrow.

Specific Time

  • 会議は10時に始まります。
    • The meeting starts at 10 o'clock.


  • 資料を届けに来ました。
    • I came to deliver the documents.

Indirect Object

  • 部長に報告します。
    • I will report to the manager.

Change of State

  • 技術が進歩的に発展している。
    • Technology is developing progressively.

Agent (Passive)

  • その仕事は彼女に任されました。
    • That job was entrusted to her.

Informal Speech

Location (Existence)

  • 部屋に猫がいるよ。
    • There's a cat in the room.


  • 映画館に行かない?
    • Wanna go to the movie theater?

Specific Time

  • 土曜日に遊ぼう。
    • Let's hang out on Saturday.


  • 新しいカフェを試しに行く。
    • I'm going to try out the new café.

Indirect Object

  • 彼にメッセージを送った。
    • I sent him a message.

Change of State

  • 彼は有名人になった。
    • He became a celebrity.

Agent (Passive)

  • 先生に褒められた。
    • I was praised by the teacher.

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • In Japanese society, expressing direction, time, and indirect objects politely is essential for smooth communication.
  • Using appropriately reflects an understanding of social norms and respect for others.

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • The choice of verbs and sentence endings affects politeness. Using correctly in formal speech shows respect. Example:
  • お客様に案内いたします。
    • I will guide the customer. (Very polite)

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 目に見える (me ni mieru): Visible; apparent.
    • 成長が目に見える。
      • The growth is apparent.
  • 耳に入る (mimi ni hairu): To hear; to come to one's ears.
    • 面白い噂が耳に入った。
      • An interesting rumor reached my ears.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Mixing up に and で
    • Incorrect: 学校で行く。
      • (Wrong particle for destination)
    • Correct: 学校に行く。
      • I go to school.
  2. Omitting に with Time Expressions
    • Incorrect: 明日会います。
      • (Omitting particle may cause ambiguity)
    • Correct: 明日に会います。
      • I will meet you tomorrow.
  3. Using に after Frequency Expressions
    • Incorrect: 毎日勉強する。
      • (に is not used with frequency words)
    • Correct: 毎日勉強する。
      • I study every day.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of as a "target marker"—it points to where or when an action is aimed.
  • Practice Exercises: Create sentences using in each of its functions to reinforce understanding.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • に (ni) is a multifunctional particle used to indicate location, direction, time, purpose, indirect objects, change of state, and agent in passive sentences.
  • Distinguishing between particles , , and is crucial for accurate expression.
  • Understanding context is key to using naturally.

Quick Recap Quiz

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate particle (に, で, へ):

  1. 図書館___本を読みました。
  2. 来週の月曜日___会議があります。
  3. 友達___手紙を送った。
  4. 美術館___行きたい。
  5. 日本語を勉強し___来ました。 Answers:
  6. 図書館本を読みました。 (Location of action)
  7. 来週の月曜日会議があります。 (Specific time)
  8. 友達手紙を送った。 (Indirect object)
  9. 美術館へ/に行きたい。 (Destination)
  10. 日本語を勉強し来ました。 (Purpose)

By mastering the uses of , you'll significantly enhance your Japanese language skills. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to refer back to this guide whenever you need a refresher!

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