Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~ないではいられない (〜nai de wa irarenai)

Cannot help but; cannot avoid; unable to refrain from.


Verb-ない form + ではいられない or じゃいられない



Kono eiga wa totemo kandouteki de, nakanai de wa irarenakatta.

This movie was so touching, I couldn't help but cry.


Kanojo no egao wo miru to, warawanai de wa irarenai.

When I see her smile, I can't help but laugh.


Kono heya wa totemo samui node, furuenai de wa irarenai.

This room is so cold, I can't help but shiver.


Kare no hanashi wa tsumaranai ga, kikanai de wa irarenai.

His story is boring, but I can't help but listen.

Long Explanation

The ~ないではいられない grammar point is used to express a strong feeling, urge, or uncontrollable action that someone cannot resist or help doing, even if it may be undesirable. It can be translated as 'cannot help but', 'cannot avoid', or 'unable to refrain from' in English.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~ないではいられない (〜nai de wa irarenai)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~ないではいられない (〜nai de wa irarenai)

1. Introduction

In this lesson, we'll explore the Japanese grammar point ~ないではいられない (〜nai de wa irarenai). This expression conveys the idea of "can't help but do" or "cannot help doing" something due to strong feelings or compulsion.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation

~ないではいられない is used to express that someone cannot suppress or resist the urge to do something. It implies that, even if one tries to hold back, they inevitably end up doing it because of strong emotions or natural inclination.


  • English Equivalent: Can't help but ..., Cannot help doing ...
  • Expresses: An uncontrollable action or feeling


  1. Formation Diagram

    Verb (Negative Form) + ではいられない
  2. Formation Steps

    • Take the verb in its negative form (ない form).
    • Add ではいられない.
    Verb (Dictionary Form) Verb (Negative Form) + ではいられない Final Form
    食べる (to eat) 食べない ではいられない 食べないではいられない
    言う (to say) 言わない ではいられない 言わないではいられない
    笑う (to laugh) 笑わない ではいられない 笑わないではいられない

Visual Aid

  • Chart: Usage of ~ないではいられない
    Function Indicates an uncontrollable action due to emotions or urges
    Level of Formality Used in both formal and casual contexts
    Commonly Used With Verbs expressing actions or reactions

3. Comparative Analysis

~ずにはいられない is a synonymous expression that can be used interchangeably with ~ないではいられない, especially in written or formal contexts.

  • Example:
    • ないではいられない: 泣かないではいられない。
    • ずにはいられない: 泣かずにはいられない。 Difference:
  • ~ずにはいられない uses the classical negative form ~ず.
  • ~ないではいられない is more common in spoken language.

4. Examples in Context

Sentence Examples

  1. 彼の話を聞いて、笑わないではいられなかった。 After hearing his story, I couldn't help but laugh.
  2. この曲を聴くと、踊らないではいられない。 When I listen to this song, I can't help but dance.
  3. あの感動的な映画を見て、泣かないではいられない。 I can't help but cry when I watch that touching movie.
  4. 美味しい匂いがして、食べないではいられなかった。 It smelled so good that I couldn't help but eat it.
  5. 友達が困っていると聞いて、助けないではいられなかった。 When I heard my friend was in trouble, I couldn't help but help them.

Context Variations

  • Formal Written:
    • 彼の勇敢な行動に感激し、賞賛せずにはいられなかった。 Moved by his brave actions, I couldn't help but admire him.
  • Casual Spoken:
    • そんな面白いこと言われたら、笑わないでいられないよ! If you say something that funny, I can't not laugh!

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

In Japanese culture, where expressing feelings directly is often subdued, using expressions like ~ないではいられない highlights moments when emotions overflow, and one cannot contain them. It signifies a breaking point of restraint, which is culturally significant.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 泣かないではいられない: An idiom expressing being moved to tears.
  • 飲まずにはいられない: Cannot help but drink (often used humorously about enjoying drinks).

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

  1. Incorrect Verb Form:
    • Wrong: 食べるではいられない。
    • Right: 食べないではいられない。 Ensure the verb is in its negative form before adding ではいられない.
  2. Confusion with Double Negatives:
    • Misinterpretation: Since ない and いられない both have negative forms, learners might think the overall meaning is positive. Remember that the expression as a whole indicates an inability to not do something, which translates to having to do it.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device:
    • Think of ないではいられない as "I can't exist (いられない) without not doing (ないで) this action."
  • Practice Negatives:
    • Get comfortable forming the negative of verbs to avoid mistakes.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~ないではいられない expresses an uncontrollable urge or compulsion to do something.
  • Formed by attaching ではいられない to the negative form of a verb.
  • Similar to ~ずにはいられない, and both can often be used interchangeably.
  • Commonly used to express strong emotions or reactions.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you form the expression ~ないではいられない?
  2. Translate the following sentence: その面白い漫画を読んで、笑わないではいられなかった。
  3. What is a similar expression to ~ないではいられない?


  1. Attach ではいられない to the negative form of a verb.
  2. After reading that funny manga, I couldn't help but laugh.
  3. ~ずにはいられない

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