Decoded Slug: ~とみると (〜to miru to)

Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~とみると (〜to miru to)

~とみると (〜to miru to)

Short explanation:

Expresses the concept of 'when one sees it as', 'viewed as', or 'considering'.


Verb-casual + とみると, い-Adjective + とみると, な-Adjective + だとみると, Noun + だとみると


Kono mondai o suugaku no shiten de to miru to, kaiketsusaku ga miete kimasu.
When one sees this problem from a mathematical perspective, a solution begins to emerge.
Kanojo ga yuushuuna gakusei da to miru to, sono shou o moratta no wa touzen desu.
Considering she is an excellent student, it's natural that she received that award.
Kare ga shinnyuushain da to miru to, sono seika wa subarashii desu.
Viewing him as a new employee, his achievements are exceptional.
Kono panda ga zetsumetsu kigushu da to miru to, hogo ga hitsuyou desu.
Considering this panda is an endangered species, it needs protection.

Long explanation:

The ~とみると grammar point is used to express the concept of seeing something from a specific perspective and responding accordingly. It often brings awareness towards something or a change in perception. It is translated as 'when one sees it as', 'viewed as', or 'considering'. The formation is consistent with noun, verb and adjective.

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