Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~か~まいか (〜ka 〜maika)

Used to express a dilemma or indecision between two options or actions.


Verb-volitional + か + Verb-volitional + まいか, い-Adjective + であるか + い-Adjective + であるまいか, な-Adjective + であるか + な-Adjective + であるまいか, Noun + であるか + Noun + であるまいか



Kono purojekuto o hikiukeyou ka hikiukemai ka, mada kimete inai.

I haven't decided whether to take on this project or not.


Kare ga seikou shiyou ka seikou suru maika, ima wa yosoku dekinai.

Whether he will succeed or not is unpredictable at the moment.


Kono mondai wa kantan de aru ka muzukashii de aru maika, iken ga wakarete iru.

Opinions are divided on whether this problem is simple or difficult.


Kare wa riidā de aru ka forowā de aru maika, jibun de erabu beki da.

He should choose for himself whether he is a leader or a follower.

Long Explanation

The ~か~まいか grammar point expresses uncertainty or indecision, often with a more formal or literary feel. Typically, it is seen with verbs in the volitional form plus まい (the negative volitional). In more academic or stiff writing, い/な-adjectives and nouns plus である can also appear before まいか.

Detailed Grammar Notes

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Japanese Grammar Point: ~か~まいか (〜ka 〜maika)

1. Introduction

The Japanese grammar pattern ~か~まいか (~ka ~maika) is used to express indecision or contemplation about whether to do something or not. It translates to "whether to do or not to do" in English. This structure is often employed when the speaker is weighing two options and hasn't reached a decision yet.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


  • Expresses indecision: Indicates that the speaker is unsure whether to perform an action.
  • Contemplative tone: Often used when pondering choices internally.


Formation Diagram

Verb (dictionary form) + か + Verb (dictionary form minus る) + まいか

Formation Table

Verb Type Formation Example
Ichidan Verbs
Godan Verbs
Irregular Verbs するかするまいか
  • Ichidan Verbs: Drop the and add まいか
  • Godan Verbs: Use the dictionary form and add まいか
  • Irregular Verbs:
    • する becomes するかするまいか
    • くる becomes くるかこまいか


  • まい is the negative volitional form, expressing "will not" or "don't intend to."
  • This pattern is more formal and often appears in written language or formal speech.
  • Commonly used to express personal contemplation.

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparison with Similar Grammar Points

  1. ~かどうか
    • Structure: Verb/Adjective + かどうか
    • Meaning: "Whether or not"
    • Usage: Used to indicate uncertainty about a fact or situation. Example:
    • 行くかどうか決めていない。
    • I haven't decided whether I will go or not.
  2. ~べきか~べきではないか
    • Structure: Verb (dictionary form) + べきか + Verb (dictionary form) + べきではないか
    • Meaning: "Whether I should or shouldn't"
    • Usage: Expresses deliberation about moral obligations or recommendations. Example:
    • 行くべきか行くべきではないか悩んでいる。
    • I'm wondering whether I should go or not.


  • ~か~まいか focuses on the speaker's indecision about performing an action.
  • ~かどうか is more general and can refer to uncertainty about various aspects, not necessarily tied to the speaker's actions.
  • ~べきか~べきではないか adds a layer of moral consideration or advisability.

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Casual Conversation

Japanese: 映画を見に行くか行くまいか迷っている。 Romaji: Eiga o mi ni iku ka iku maika mayotte iru. English: "I'm undecided about whether to go see a movie or not."

Example 2: Formal Writing

Japanese: 参加者を募集するか募集しまいか、会議で検討します。 Romaji: Sankasha o boshū suru ka boshū shimaika, kaigi de kentō shimasu. English: "We will discuss in the meeting whether to recruit participants or not."

Example 3: Expressing Personal Dilemma

Japanese: 彼に真実を伝えるか伝えるまいか悩んでいる。 Romaji: Kare ni shinjitsu o tsutaeru ka tsutaeru maika nayande iru. English: "I'm torn about whether to tell him the truth or not."

Example 4: Decision in Business Context

Japanese: 新しいシステムを導入するか導入するまいか判断が難しい。 Romaji: Atarashii shisutemu o dōnyū suru ka dōnyū suru maika handan ga muzukashii. English: "It's difficult to decide whether to implement the new system or not."

Example 5: Considering Future Plans

Japanese: 留学するかするまいか、両親と相談した。 Romaji: Ryūgaku suru ka suru maika, ryōshin to sōdan shita. English: "I discussed with my parents whether to study abroad or not."

5. Cultural Notes

Levels of Politeness and Formality

  • Formal Expression: ~か~まいか is considered formal and is often used in written language, speeches, or formal discussions.
  • Casual Alternatives: In everyday conversation, people might use ~かどうか or simply express indecision without this specific pattern.

Cultural Relevance

  • Thoughtfulness: The use of this pattern reflects the Japanese cultural value of careful consideration and not making hasty decisions.
  • Indirectness: It allows the speaker to express indecision without being too direct, which aligns with Japanese communication styles.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Common Mistakes

  1. Using Negative Form Instead of Negative Volitional
    • Mistake: 行くか行かないか迷っている。
    • Correction: 行くか行くまいか迷っている。
  2. Incorrect Verb Conjugation
    • Mistake: 食べるか食べないか考えている。
    • Correction: 食べるか食べまいか考えている。


  • Remember the Pattern: Attach まいか directly to the verb without negating it first.
  • Formal Contexts: Use this pattern in formal situations; for casual settings, consider using ~かどうか.
  • Practice with Common Verbs: Start by practicing with verbs you use frequently to get accustomed to the pattern.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~か~まいか is used to express indecision about performing an action.
  • It's formed by using the verb's dictionary form + + verb stem + まいか.
  • The pattern is more formal and often appears in written language or formal speech.
  • It differs from ~かどうか and ~べきか~べきではないか in nuance and usage.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. Question: How do you form ~か~まいか with the verb 書く (to write)? Answer: 書くか書くまいか
  2. Question: Translate to English: 旅行に行くか行くまいか決められない。 Answer: "I can't decide whether to go on the trip or not."
  3. Question: Is ~か~まいか typically used in casual conversation? Answer: No, it's more formal and often used in written language or formal speech.

By understanding and practicing ~か~まいか, you can enhance your ability to express indecisiveness or contemplation in Japanese, especially in formal contexts.

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