Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
~あげく (~ageku)

Expresses the outcome of a series of actions or events; 'in the end', 'finally', 'after'.


Verb-た + あげく / Noun + の + あげく



Nagai jikan matta ageku, densha ga konakatta.

After waiting a long time, in the end, the train didn't come.


Iroiro na hōhō o tameshita ageku, seikō shita.

After trying various methods, I finally succeeded.


Kare wa shippai no ageku, kaisha o yameru kesshin o shita.

In the end, after his failures, he decided to quit the company.


Kanojo wa nagai aida nayanda ageku, sono shigoto o kotowatta.

After worrying for a long time, she finally turned down the job.

Long Explanation

The ~あげく grammar point is used to express the outcome or result after a series of actions or events. It can usually be translated into English as 'in the end', 'finally', or 'after'. The typical formation is adding あげく to the past form of a verb (Verb-た), or adding のあげく to a noun. This indicates that, after a long process or a number of attempts, a certain final outcome is reached—often with a sense that it took considerable effort or time.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: ~あげく (~ageku)

Japanese Grammar Point: ~あげく (~ageku)

1. Introduction

In Japanese, expressing the culmination of various efforts or experiences often involves specific grammatical constructions. One such expression is ~あげく (~ageku), which conveys the notion of "after much... ended up..." This lesson will explore the usage, structure, and nuances of ~あげく, helping you understand and apply it naturally in different contexts.

2. Core Grammar Explanation


~あげく is used to indicate that after a prolonged period of effort, consideration, or struggle, something has occurred, often with an unsatisfactory or unfortunate result. It translates to expressions like "after much..." or "in the end..."


Verb (た-form) + あげく Noun + の + あげく

Formation Diagram

Component Function
Verb (た-form) Action or state that continues over time
Noun + の Noun indicating an ongoing state or action
あげく Indicates the final result after the process


  • Emphasizes a lengthy process: The focus is on the extended effort or duration before reaching the outcome.
  • Often with negative results: The outcome is frequently undesirable, though not always.
  • Formal and written tone: More common in formal writing than in casual conversation.

3. Comparative Analysis

~末(に) (~sue ni)

  • Similarity: Both ~あげく and ~末(に) indicate "after doing something for a long time."
  • Difference: ~末(に) is neutral and can be used with positive outcomes, whereas ~あげく often implies a negative or unsatisfactory result.
    Grammar Point Connotation Example
    ~あげく Often negative outcome 迷ったあげく、旅行をやめた。
    (After much hesitation, I ended up canceling the trip.)
    ~末(に) Neutral/Positive 話し合った末に、解決した。
    (After much discussion, we resolved it.)

4. Examples in Context

Example 1: Formal Written

日本語 彼はさまざまな治療法を試したあげく、病気を治すことができなかった。 English Translation After trying various treatments, he couldn't cure his illness in the end.

Example 2: Formal Spoken

日本語 長時間の議論のあげく、結論に達しませんでした。 English Translation After lengthy discussions, we did not reach a conclusion.

Example 3: Informal Spoken

日本語 友達とケンカしたあげく、仲直りできなかった。 English Translation After arguing with my friend for so long, we couldn't make up.

Example 4: Written Context

日本語 検討に検討を重ねたあげく、このプロジェクトは中止となった。 English Translation After much deliberation, this project was canceled.

Example 5: Idiomatic Expression

日本語 待たされたあげく、入場できなかった。 English Translation After being kept waiting, we couldn't get in.

5. Cultural Notes

Politeness and Formality

  • Usage in Formal Settings: Given its tone, ~あげく is often used in formal speeches, news reports, and written narratives.
  • Expressing Frustration Respectfully: It allows speakers to convey dissatisfaction or disappointment politely.

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 挙句の果てに(あげくのはてに) An intensified form meaning "on top of all that" or "to make matters worse." Example 日本語 彼は遅刻した挙句の果てに、資料を忘れてきた。 English Translation To make matters worse after being late, he forgot the materials.

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Mistake 1: Using ~あげく with Short Actions

Incorrect すぐに電話したあげく、連絡が取れた。 Tip: ~あげく should be used with actions that occur over an extended period.

Mistake 2: Ignoring the Negative Connotation

Incorrect 彼は勉強したあげく、試験に合格した。 Tip: Use ~末に for neutral or positive outcomes.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Associate あげく with "at the end of a long road," emphasizing duration and often disappointing results.
  • Practice by Writing: Compose sentences about prolonged experiences ending unsatisfactorily.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • ~あげく expresses the outcome after prolonged effort, often negative.
  • Structure: Verb (た-form) + あげく or Noun + の + あげく
  • Common in formal and written Japanese.
  • Not to be confused with ~末に, which is neutral/positive.

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. What is the primary nuance conveyed by ~あげく?
  2. Choose the correct usage: a) 彼は考えたあげく、提案を受け入れた。 b) 彼は考えたあげく、提案を断った。
  3. Which expression is more appropriate for a positive outcome, ~あげく or ~末に?


  1. It indicates that after a long process, an outcome (often negative) occurred.
  2. b) 彼は考えたあげく、提案を断った。
  3. ~末に

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