Vietnamese Grammar Point
Word 'xong' indicating a completed action

Word 'xong' indicating a completed action

Short explanation:

Used to indicate an action or a task has been completed.


Verb + xong


Anh ăn xong chưa? Chưa, anh đang ăn.
Have you finished eating? No, I am eating.
Tôi đã làm bài tập xong, giờ tôi có thể xem TV.
I have finished my homework, now I can watch TV.
Cuộc họp sẽ kết thúc khi tất cả các vấn đề đã được thảo luận xong.
The meeting will end when all the issues have been discussed.
Hãy chờ đợi. Sau khi tôi làm xong công việc này, tôi sẽ giúp bạn.
Hold on. After I'm finished with this work, I will help you.

Long explanation:

In Vietnamese language, 'xong' is a versatile word used to denote the completion of an action or a task. It translates to 'done' or 'finished' in English. One can use 'xong' immediately after a verb or sentence to highlight that the action stated in the verb or sentence has been completed.

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