Decoded Slug: 连...都/也... (lián... dōu/yě...) - Even...

Mandarin Grammar Point
连...都/也... (lián... dōu/yě...) - Even...

连...都/也... (lián... dōu/yě...) - Even...

Short explanation:

This structure is used to express unexpected situations or emphasize the degree of something.


连 + Object + 都/也 + Predicate


Zhè ge wèntí lián wǒ dōu bù huì huídá, gèng bùyòng shuō nǐ le.
Even I can't answer this question, let alone you.
Tā lián zǎocān yě bú chī jiù qù shàngbān le.
He went to work without even eating breakfast.
Lián lǎoshī dōu méi kàn dǒng nà ge shùxué tímù.
Even the teacher didn't understand that math problem.
Tā lián yī bēi shuǐ dōu bù ràng wǒ hē.
He wouldn't even let me have a glass of water.

Long explanation:

The phrase 连...都/也... is a common sentence pattern in Mandarin Chinese. It's used when the speaker wants to emphasize an unexpected situation, or that something is true to such a degree that it even applies to the person or thing being talked about. The sentence structure '连...都/也...' is often translated in English as 'even...' and is generally used to highlight the scope or extent of a particular situation.

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