Decoded Slug: 认识 (rènshì) - Know (a person)/Meet for the first time

Mandarin Grammar Point
认识 (rènshì) - Know (a person)/Meet for the first time

认识 (rènshì) - Know (a person)/Meet for the first time

Short explanation:

Used to express knowing someone or meeting someone for the first time.


Subject + 认识 + Person.


Wǒ rènshì tā, tā shì wǒ de péngyǒu.
I know him, he is my friend.
Māmā, wǒ zuótiān zài gōngyuán rènshìle yīgè xīn péngyǒu.
Mom, I made a new friend in the park yesterday.
Nǐmen rènshì ma? Bù rènshì, wǒmen shì dì yī cì jiànmiàn.
Do you know each other? No, we are meeting for the first time.
Wǒ rènshì zhège chéngshì, wǒ zài zhèlǐ zhùle hěnduō nián.
I am familiar with this city, I have lived here for many years.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese word '认识 (rènshì)' is used when expressing familiarity with a person, or when meeting someone for the first time. It is different from the other verb '知道' which refers to knowing a fact or information. '认识' always involves people and cannot be used with facts or objects.

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