Decoded Slug: 少 (shǎo) - Few/Little

Mandarin Grammar Point
少 (shǎo) - Few/Little

少 (shǎo) - Few/Little

Short explanation:

Used to describe a small quantity, amount, number or degree.


Subject + Verb + 少 + Object


Wǒ jiā de shū zhēn shǎo, wǒ xūyào qù túshūguǎn jiè gèng duō de shū.
There are so few books in my house, I need to go to the library to borrow more books.
Tā de péngyǒu hěn shǎo, tā chángcháng gǎndào gūdú.
He has few friends, he often feels lonely.
Nǐ wèishénme chī dé zhème shǎo? Wǒ xiànzài bù tài è.
Why are you eating so little? I'm not very hungry right now.
Zhè jiàn jiàoshì de xuéshēng tài shǎo le, wǒmen xūyào zhāo gèng duō de xuéshēng.
There are too few students in this classroom, we need to recruit more students.

Long explanation:

'少 (shǎo)' is a Mandarin Chinese adjective used to express that the quantity, amount, or number of something is small. The equivalent word in English is 'few' or 'little'. It can be used before both countable and uncountable nouns.

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