Decoded Slug: 在 (zài) - At/In/On

Mandarin Grammar Point
在 (zài) - At/In/On

在 (zài) - At/In/On

Short explanation:

Used to express location or action that is ongoing.


在 + Location OR 在 + Verb + 着


Wǒ zài túshūguǎn kàn zhe shū, yīnwèi wǒ xūyào wèi míngtiān de kǎoshì zuò zhǔnbèi.
I am at the library reading a book, because I need to prepare for tomorrow's exam.
Tā zài Shànghǎi de yījiā dà gōngsī gōngzuò, měi tiān dū fēicháng máng.
He works at a big company in Shanghai and is very busy every day.
Wǒ de shǒujī zài wǒjiā wàngjì le, suǒyǐ wǒ méifǎ gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.
My cellphone is at home because I forgot it, so I can't call you.
Wǒ mèimei zài chúfáng zhǔ zhe fàn, tā de pēngrèn jìqiǎo fēicháng hǎo.
My sister is in the kitchen cooking, she is very good at cooking.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese preposition '在 (zài)' is used to show the location of an object or person, or to indicate that an action is currently ongoing. The direct English translations would be 'at', 'in', or 'on'. Also, it can be used to indicate an ongoing action when combined with an action verb.

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