Decoded Slug: 不是 (bù shì) - Is not/Are not

Mandarin Grammar Point
不是 (bù shì) - Is not/Are not

不是 (bù shì) - Is not/Are not

Short explanation:

Used to denote denial or negation in a statement.


Subject + 不是 + Object


Zhè bù shì wǒ de shū. Zhè shì nǐ de shū.
This is not my book. This is your book.
Tā bù shì lǎoshī, tā shì xuéshēng.
He is not a teacher, he is a student.
Zhège píngguǒ bù shì hóngsè de, shì lǜsè de.
This apple is not red, it is green.
Wǒmen bù shì qù gōngyuán, wǒmen qù gòuwù zhōngxīn.
We are not going to the park, we are going to the shopping mall.

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '不是 (bù shì)' is used to negate an assertion or deny a particular call of action. It is the equivalent to saying 'is not' or 'are not' in English. This phrase is used to express disagreement, denial, or contradiction in a statement or question posed.

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