Decoded Slug: 一点儿 (yìdiǎnr) - A little/A bit

Mandarin Grammar Point
一点儿 (yìdiǎnr) - A little/A bit

一点儿 (yìdiǎnr) - A little/A bit

Short explanation:

Used to mean 'a little' or 'a bit'.


Adjective/Verb + 一点儿


Nǐ kěyǐ jiǎng màn yìdiǎnr ma? Wǒ tīng bù dǒng kuàisù de Zhōngwén.
Can you speak a bit slower? I don't understand fast Chinese.
Zhègè làjiāojiàng tài là le, wǒ zhǐ néng chī yìdiǎnr.
This chili sauce is too spicy, I can only eat a little.
Tā de Zhōngwén yǐjīng fēicháng hǎo le, dàn tā háishì xiǎng xué yìdiǎnr gèng shēn de yǔfǎ.
Her Chinese is already very good, but she still wants to learn a bit more advanced grammar.
Nǐ kàn qǐlái yǒudiǎnr lèi, xūyào yìdiǎnr xiūxi ma?
You look a bit tired, do you need a bit of rest?

Long explanation:

The Mandarin Chinese phrase '一点儿 (yìdiǎnr)' is used to express 'a little' or 'a bit'. It can modify both adjectives and verbs to denote a small quantity or degree. However, please note that in some parts of China, specifically in the South, '一点' is more commonly used.

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