Decoded Slug: ~(으)ㄴ/는데다가 [(eu)n/neundedaga] (Moreover, additionally)

Korean Grammar Point
~(으)ㄴ/는데다가 [(eu)n/neundedaga] (Moreover, additionally)

~(으)ㄴ/는데다가 [(eu)n/neundedaga] (Moreover, additionally)

Short explanation:

Used to add more information, similar to 'moreover' or 'additionally' in English.


(Verb/Adjective/Noun) + ~(으)ㄴ/는데다가 + Sentence


이 카페는 분위기도 좋은데다가 커피 맛도 훌륭해요.
I kape-neun bunwigido joheunde daga keopimatdo hulryunghaeyo.
This cafe has a good atmosphere, moreover, the coffee tastes great.
그 책은 재미있는데다가 유익하기까지 해요.
Geu chaeg-eun jaemissneunde daga yu-ik hakigikka jehaeyo.
That book is not only interesting but also informative.
이 핸드폰은 가격이 저렴한데다가 기능도 다양하게 있어요.
I haendeupon-eun gagyeogi jeoryeomhaneunde daga gineungdo dayanghage iss-eoyo.
This cell phone is not only cheap but also has a variety of features.
그는 착한데다가 똑똑하기까지 해서, 모두가 그를 좋아해요.
Geuneun chaghanede daga ttokttok hakigungkkaji haeseo, moduga geul-eul johah-aeyo.
He is kind, and moreover, he is smart, so everyone likes him.

Long explanation:

'~(으)ㄴ/는데다가 [(eu)n/neundedaga]' is a compound grammar form that is used to add more detailed information on top of the information already provided. It's roughly equivalent to 'moreover', 'in addition to that', 'besides', 'what's more', or 'furthermore' in English. The idea here is that whatever is described in the part with '는데다가' is an extra, additional bit of information or characteristic on top of what has been already mentioned.

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