Decoded Slug: ~하여야 [hayeoya] (Have to, should)

Korean Grammar Point
~하여야 [hayeoya] (Have to, should)

~하여야 [hayeoya] (Have to, should)

Short explanation:

Used to express the necessity or obligation; 'have to', 'should'.


Verb stem + 어/아 + 하여야 + Verb


공부를 열심히 해야 성적이 좋아질거예요, 그래서 매일 열심히 공부해야 해요.
Gongbureul yeolsimhi hayeya seongjeogi joajilgeoyeyo, geuraeseo maeil yeolsimhi gongbuhaeya haeyo.
You have to study hard to get good grades, so you should study hard every day.
요리를 잘하기 위해서 재료들을 미리 준비하여야 합니다, 그렇기 때문에 주방에서 일찍 시작하여야 합니다.
Yorireul jalhagi wihaeseo jaeryodeureul miri junbihayeoya hamnida, geureohgi ttaemune jubangeseo iljjik sijakhayeoya hamnida.
To cook well, you need to prepare ingredients in advance, so you should start early in the kitchen.
운동을 매일 하여야 건강을 유지할 수 있어요, 그러므로 매일 아침에 산책하여야 해요.
Undongeul maeil hayeya geongangeul yujihal su isseoyo, geureomeuro maeil achime sancaekhayeya haeyo.
You have to exercise every day to maintain good health, so you should take a walk every morning.
교통사고를 막기 위해서는 법규를 잘 지켜야 하고, 또한 조심하여야 합니다.
Gyotongsagoreul maggi wihaeseoneun beomgyureul jal jikyeoya hago, ttohan joshimhayeya hamnida.
To prevent traffic accidents, you should abide by the laws and also be careful.

Long explanation:

'~하여야 [hayeoya]' is a verb ending used in Korean to indicate that a certain action is necessary or obligated to be done, often appearing in the context of duties, responsibilities, or advices. It corresponds to 'have to', 'should', or 'must' in English. This ending imparts a sense of expectation or necessity upon the subject of the sentence while attaching to the verb stem.

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