Decoded Slug: ~하여 [hayeo] (So, therefore)

Korean Grammar Point
~하여 [hayeo] (So, therefore)

~하여 [hayeo] (So, therefore)

Short explanation:

Used to express reason, cause, or circumstances.


Verb stem + 어/아 + 하여


저는 늦게 일어나하여 학교에 늦게 도착했어요.
Jeoneun neujge ileonahayeo hakgyoe neujge dochakhaesseoyo.
I woke up late, so I arrived late at school.
그녀는 너무 피곤했어서 더 이상 일어날 수 없었어요.
Geunyeoneun neomu pigonhayeo deo isang ileonal su eopseosseoyo.
She was so tired that she could no longer get up.
회사에서 일하느라 너무 바빴어서, 친구들과의 약속을 취소해야 했어요.
Hoesaeseo ilhaneura neomu bappaseo, chingudeulgwaui yaksogeul chwisohayahoesseoyo.
I was so busy working at the company that I had to cancel my appointment with friends.
날씨가 너무 추웠어서, 외출을 하지 않고 집에 있었어요.
Nalssiga neomu chuwoseo, oechuleul haji anhgo jibe isseosseoyo.
The weather was so cold, so I didn't go out and stayed at home.

Long explanation:

'~하여 [hayeo]' is a connecting ending used in Korean to indicate cause-effect relationship, similar to 'so' or 'therefore' in English. It is used to introduce a clause that presents a reason or cause of an action, situation, or state described in the preceding clause. This grammar point is generally used in formal and written contexts.

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