Decoded Slug: ~이래 [irae] (Since then, after)

Korean Grammar Point
~이래 [irae] (Since then, after)

~이래 [irae] (Since then, after)

Short explanation:

Used to express 'since then' or 'after'.


Verbal noun + 이래


그 사고 이래로 제가 차를 못 타게 되었어요, 그래서 버스와 지하철로 이동을 하게 되었어요.
Geu sago iraero jega cha-reul mot tagae doe-eotseoyo, geuraeseo beoseuwa jihacheollo idongeul hage doe-eotseoyo.
Since that accident, I have not been able to drive a car, so I have had to travel by bus and subway.
봄이래 제가 꽃 알레르기에 고생을 많이 했어요, 그래서 약을 계속 먹고 있어요.
Bom irae jegga kkoche allergy-e gosaeng-eul man-i haesseoyo, geuraeseo yak-eul gyesog meog-o iss-eoyo.
Since spring, I have been suffering a lot from flower allergies, so I am constantly taking medicine.
지난 회의 이래로 사무실 분위기가 계속 나빠지고 있어요, 많은 사람들이 불만을 표시하고 있어요.
Jinan hwe-ui irae-ro samusil bun-wigiga gyesok napbajigo iss-eoyo, many people are expressing their displeasure.
Since the last meeting, the office atmosphere has been continuously deteriorating, and many people are expressing their dissatisfaction.
오랜만에 만난 친구가 결혼했다는 소식을 듣고 이래 못 마주쳤어요, 그래서 연락을 해야 할 것 같아요.
Oraenman-e mannahn chinguga gyeolhonhaessdaneun sosigeul deudgo irae mot majuchyeosseoyo, geuraeseo yeollageul haeya hal geos gat-ayo.
I haven't run into my long-lost friend since I heard she got married, so I think I should contact her.

Long explanation:

'~이래 [irae]' is a Korean grammar point that denotes 'since then' or 'after.' It is used to express time, referencing an event or occurrence in the past and its continued effect or relevance to the present situation. It emphasizes the duration of this effect or the changes that have taken place since the mentioned event.

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