Decoded Slug: ~을/ㄹ지 [eul/lji] (Whether or not)

Korean Grammar Point
~을/ㄹ지 [eul/lji] (Whether or not)

~을/ㄹ지 [eul/lji] (Whether or not)

Short explanation:

Used to express uncertainty or doubt; 'whether or not'.


Verb Stem + 을/ㄹ지


우리 아빠가 저녁에 홈으로 돌아올지 모르겠어요.
Uri abba-ga jeonyeoke homeuro dolaolji molla.
I don't know whether our dad will return home tonight.
그녀가 내일 파티에 올지 안 올지 나는 정말 궁금해.
Geunyeoga naeil patie olji an olji naneun jeongmal gunggeumhae.
I'm really curious whether or not she will come to the party tomorrow.
날이 따뜻해질지 아직 확실하지 않아.
Nari ttatteokaejilji ajik hwaksilha-ji anha.
I'm not sure yet whether the weather will get warmer.
당신이 제안을 받아들일지 안 받아들일지 나는 알 수 없어.
Dangsin-i jegong-eul badadeurilji an badadeurilji naneun al su eobseo.
I don't know whether or not you will accept the proposal.

Long explanation:

'~을/ㄹ지 [eul/lji]' is a grammar point used in Korean to express doubt, uncertainty or question about an event or outcome, akin to 'whether or not' in English. It is frequently used in indirect questions and conditional sentences to indicate the unsure nature. It is attached after the verb stem and shows the speaker is not sure about the possibility of the situation.

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