Decoded Slug: ~을 통해 [eul tonghae] (Through, via)

Korean Grammar Point
~을 통해 [eul tonghae] (Through, via)

~을 통해 [eul tonghae] (Through, via)

Short explanation:

Used to express the method or means by which something is done.


Noun + 을 통해


우리는 이메일을 통해 의견을 주고받았어요, 그래서 모두가 표현하기 편했어요.
Urineun imeireul tonghae uigyeoneul jugobadatsseoyo, geuraeseo moduga pyohyeonhagi pyeonhaesseoyo.
We exchanged opinions through email, so everyone found it easy to express themselves.
저는 책을 통해 새로운 지식을 배우는 것을 좋아합니다, 그래서 자주 도서관을 방문합니다.
Jeoneun chaekeul tonghae saeroun jisigeul baeuneun geoseul johahamnida, geuraeseo jaju doseogwaneul bangmunhabnida.
I like learning new knowledge through books, so I visit the library frequently.
그녀는 구글 번역을 통해 한국어를 배우고 있어요, 그래서 언어를 배우는데 편리합니다.
Geunyeoneun gugle beonyeogeul tonghae hangugeoreul baewugo isseoyo, geuraeseo eoneoreul baewuneunde pyeonrihabnida.
She is learning Korean through Google Translate, so it is convenient for her to learn languages.
우리는 마스크 착용을 통해 코로나바이러스의 확산을 막을 수 있었어요, 그래서 많은 생명이 구해졌어요.
Urineun maseukeu chak-yong-eul tonghae koronabaireoseu-ui hwagsan-eul mag-eul su iss-eoss-eoyo, geulaeseo manh-eun saengmyeong-i guhae jyeoss-eoyo.
We were able to prevent the spread of the coronavirus through the wearing of masks, saving many lives.

Long explanation:

The phrase '을 통해 [eul tonghae]' in Korean is used as a grammar point that signifies the means, method, channel or process through which something happens or is done. It can be translated into English as 'through', 'via', or 'by means of'. It comes at the end of a noun and indicates that the action in the sentence is performed through or by way of that noun.

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