Decoded Slug: ~았/었지요 [at/eotjiyo] (Explanatory, as you know)

Korean Grammar Point
~았/었지요 [at/eotjiyo] (Explanatory, as you know)

~았/었지요 [at/eotjiyo] (Explanatory, as you know)

Short explanation:

Used to explain or remind something that the speaker and listener both know; 'weren't they', 'didn't you', 'haven't we' etc.


Verb + 았/었지요


우리는 그 영화를 본적이 있었지요, 그것은 정말 재미있었지요.
Urineun geu yeonghwareul bonjeogi isseotjiyo, geugeoseun jeongmal jaemiisseotjiyo.
We have seen that movie before, it was really fun, wasn't it?
당신은 저를 도와줬지요, 그래서 저는 정말 감사했어요.
Dangsineun jeoreul dowajwatjiyo, geuraeseo jeoneun jeongmal gamsahaesseoyo.
You helped me, didn't you? That's why I was really grateful.
우리는 그 일에 대해 많이 얘기했었지요, 이제는 그것을 결정할 필요가 있어요.
Urineun geu ire daehae mani yaegihaesseotjiyo, ijeneun geugeoseul gyeoljeonghal piryoga isseoyo.
We talked a lot about that matter, didn't we? Now we need to make a decision about it.
미래에 관한 우리의 계획은 주제였지요, 그것은 아직도 중요한 문제입니다.
Miraee gwanhan uriui gyehoegeun jujeyeotjiyo, geugeoseun ajikdo jungyohan munjeibnida.
Our plan for the future was the topic, wasn't it? It is still an important issue.

Long explanation:

The grammar point '~았/었지요 [at/eotjiyo]' is used in sentences to explain or remind something that the speaker and the listener both know or have experienced before. It is similar to 'weren't they', 'didn't you', 'haven't we' etc in English and is often used to induce an agreement response from the listener. It is commonly used in a situation where the speaker is assuming that the listener is aware of what the speaker says.

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