Decoded Slug: ~았/었다 치다 [at/eotda chida] (Let’s say, suppose)

Korean Grammar Point
~았/었다 치다 [at/eotda chida] (Let’s say, suppose)

~았/었다 치다 [at/eotda chida] (Let’s say, suppose)

Short explanation:

This expression denotes 'Let’s assume' or 'Let’s suppose'. It is used to make a supposition and then discuss it.


Verb + 았/었다 + 치다


우리가 돈이 많았다 치면, 유럽 여행을 갈 수 있었을까요?
Uriga doni manhatda chimyeon, yureop yeohaengeul gal su isseosseulkkayo?
Let's say we had a lot of money, would we have been able to go to Europe?
그가 우리 팀에 있었다 치면, 이길 수 있었다고 생각해요?
Geuga uri time isseotda chimyeon, igil su isseotdago saenggakhaeyo?
If we suppose that he was on our team, do you think we could have won?
그녀가 없었다 치면, 그 일을 어떻게 대처했을까요?
Geunyeoga eopseotda chimyeon, geu ireul eotteoke daecheohaesseulkka yo?
Let's say she was not there, how would we have dealt with that situation?
요즘 같이 비가 많이 왔다 치면, 어떻게 축구를 했을까요?
Yojeum gachi biga mani watda chimyeon, eotteoke chukgureul haesseulkka yo?
Suppose it has rained a lot these days, how would we have played football?

Long explanation:

'~았/었다 치다 [at/eotda chida]' is used in Korean to propose a hypothetical situation or condition. It is equivalent to saying 'let's say' or 'suppose' in English, posing a hypothetical or assumed situation to base the subsequent conversation or discussion. This allows speakers to explore different scenarios and outcomes, often to analyse or plan something.

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