Decoded Slug: ~아/어야 하다 [a/eoya hada] (Have to, must)

Korean Grammar Point
~아/어야 하다 [a/eoya hada] (Have to, must)

~아/어야 하다 [a/eoya hada] (Have to, must)

Short explanation:

Used to express obligation or necessity.


Verb stem + 아/어야 하다


내일 시험이 있으니까 오늘 밤에 공부하아야 해요.
Naeil siheomi isseunikka oneul bame gongbuhaoaya haeyo.
I must study tonight because I have an exam tomorrow.
회사에 늦지 않기 위해 7시에 집을 나가아야 해요.
Hoesae neujji anhgi wihae chil shie jibeul nagaaya haeyo.
I must leave home at 7 to not be late for work.
야외 활동을 할 때는 태양으로부터 피부를 보호하아야 해요.
Yawoe hwaldongeul hal ttaeneun taeyangeurobuteo pibureul bohohaoaya haeyo.
You must protect your skin from the sun when doing outdoor activities.
좋은 점수를 받기 위해 더 열심히 공부하아야 해요.
Joeun jeomsureul badgi wihae deo yeolsimhi gongbuhaoaya haeyo.
I must study harder to get a good score.

Long explanation:

The '~아/어야 하다 [a/eoya hada]' endings refer to the necessity to do something or the feeling of obligation in a situation. This can also be used to express 'have to' or 'must' in English. It is also used in sentences to express compulsion imposed by situations or conditions. The verb stem is used with '아야 하다' for verbs that end in vowels and '어야 하다' for verbs that end in consonants.

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