Decoded Slug: 처럼 [cheoreom] (Like, as)

Korean Grammar Point
처럼 [cheoreom] (Like, as)

처럼 [cheoreom] (Like, as)

Short explanation:

This postposition is used to express similarity, comparison, or metaphor, similar to 'like' or 'as' in English.


Noun + 처럼


그는 사자처럼 강해 보였어요, 그런데 실제로는 그렇게 강하지 않아요.
Geuneun sajacheoreom ganghae boyeosseoyo, geureonde siljeroeun geureohge ganghaji anhayo.
He seemed strong like a lion, but in reality, he's not that strong.
우리 친구는 항상 별처럼 빛나요, 그녀는 정말로 모두에게 사랑받는 사람이에요.
Uri chinguneun hangsang byeolcheoreom bitnayo, geunyeoneun jeongmallo modeuege sarangbatneun sarameyo.
Our friend always shines like a star; she is truly a person loved by everyone.
그녀는 나비처럼 춤을 춰요. 그녀의 춤은 정말로 아름답고 유려해요.
Geunyeoneun nabicheoreom chumeul chwoyo. Geunyeoui chumeun jeongmallo areumdapgo yuryehaeyo.
She dances like a butterfly. Her dance is really beautiful and graceful.
그는 독수리처럼 높이 날아갔어요, 그의 비행은 정말로 인상적이었어요.
Geuneun doksuricheoreom nopi naragasseoyo, geuui bihaengeun jeongmalro insangjeogieosseoyo.
He flew high like an eagle, his flight was really impressive.

Long explanation:

'처럼 [cheoreom]' is a postposition in Korean that indicates similarity or comparison to the preceding noun. It is usually used to compare two things, express that one thing acts or functions as another thing, or to say that something is done in the same way as something else. It can also be used in metaphorical expressions.

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