Decoded Slug: 이/그/저 [i/geu/jeo] (This, that, that over there)

Korean Grammar Point
이/그/저 [i/geu/jeo] (This, that, that over there)

이/그/저 [i/geu/jeo] (This, that, that over there)

Short explanation:

Used to indicate spatial relationship of the speaker to the subject matter; 'this', 'that', 'that over there'.


이/그/저 + Noun


이 펜은 제 펜입니다. 그 펜은 당신의 펜입니다. 저 펜은 누구의 펜인지 모르겠어요.
I pen-eun je pen-imnida. Geu pen-eun dangsin-ui pen-imnida. Jeo pen-eun nugu-ui pen-inji moreugesseoyo.
This pen is my pen. That pen is your pen. I don't know whose pen that over there is.
이 핸드폰은 버그가 많아요. 그 핸드폰은 성능이 좋아요. 저 핸드폰은 무슨 모델인지 모르겠어요.
I haendeupon-eun beogeu-ga manhayo. Geu haendeupon-eun seong-neung-i joahyo. Jeo haendeupon-eun museun model-inji moreugesseoyo.
This phone has many bugs. That phone has good performance. I don't know what model that phone over there is.
이 음식은 맛이 없어요. 그 음식은 매워요. 저 음식은 어떤 맛인지 모르겠어요.
I eumsik-eun mas-i eobseoyo. Geu eumsik-eun maewoyo. Jeo eumsik-eun eoddeon mas-inji moreugesseoyo.
This food has no taste. That food is spicy. I don't know what that food over there tastes like.
이 책은 재미있어요. 그 책은 너무 어려워요. 저 책은 어떤 내용인지 모르겠어요.
I chaek-eun jaemiisseoyo. Geu chaek-eun neomu eoryeowoyo. Jeo chaek-eun eoddeon naeyong-inji moreugesseoyo.
This book is interesting. That book is too difficult. I don't know what that book over there is about.

Long explanation:

'이/그/저' are demonstrative pronouns used in Korean to specify the spatial relationship of subject matter to the speaker. '이' refers to something close to the speaker, translated as 'this'. '그' refers to something that is not near the speaker or the listener, translated as 'that'. '저' refers to something far from both the speaker and the listener, translated as 'that over there'.

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