Decoded Slug: 안 [an] (Negation before verb/adjective)

Korean Grammar Point
안 [an] (Negation before verb/adjective)

안 [an] (Negation before verb/adjective)

Short explanation:

Used to negate verbs and adjectives in Korean; 'not'.


안 + Verb/Adjective


저는 아직 안 자요, 아직 일이 남았어요.
Jeoneun ajik an jayo, ajik iri namasseoyo.
I haven't slept yet, there is still work left.
내 친구는 연어를 안 먹어요, 그녀는 생선을 좋아하지 않아요.
Nae chinguneun yeoneoreul an meogeoyo, geunyeoneun saengseoneul joahaji anhayo.
My friend doesn't eat salmon, she doesn't like fish.
너는 그 영화를 안 봤어요? 정말 재미있어요, 꼭 봐야 해요.
Neoneun geu yeonghwareul an bwasseoyo? Jeongmal jaemiisseoyo, ggok bwaya haeyo.
Haven't you watched that movie? It's really interesting, you must watch it.
제가 그 사람을 진짜 안 좋아해요, 그는 항상 거짓말을 하니까요.
Jega geu saramul jinjja an joahayeo, geuneun hangsang geojitmaleul hanikkayo.
I really do not like that person, because he always tells lies.

Long explanation:

'안 [an]' is a type of adverb used in Korean to negate verbs and adjectives. It holds the meaning of 'not' in English. By positioning '안 [an]' in front of a verb or adjective, it negates the meaning of that verb or adjective. Therefore, it fundamentally changes the meaning of the sentence by conveying the opposite of what the original verb or adjective meant.

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