Decoded Slug: 아/어/여 주다 [a/eo/yeo juda] (To do for someone)

Korean Grammar Point
아/어/여 주다 [a/eo/yeo juda] (To do for someone)

아/어/여 주다 [a/eo/yeo juda] (To do for someone)

Short explanation:

Used to express the act of doing something for someone.


Verb stem + 아/어/여 + 주다


제가 수업 노트를 정리해서 친구에게 메일로 보내주었어요.
Je-ga su-eop noteu-reul jeongrihaeseo chinguege meillo bonaejueoss-eoyo.
I organized the class notes and sent them to my friend by email.
서민이가 청소를 해주는 것을 본 후, 결국 나도 청소를 도와주었어요.
Seomin-iga cheongso-reul haejuneun geoseul bon hu, gyeolguk nado cheongso-reul dowajueoss-eoyo.
After seeing Seomin cleaning, I ended up helping with the cleaning too.
어려운 문제 때문에 고민하다가, 선생님이 해결 방법을 알려주었어요.
Eoryeoun munje ttaemune gominhada-ga, seonsaengnim-i haegyeol bangbeob-eul allyeojueoss-eoyo.
I was worrying about a difficult problem, then the teacher told me the solution.
맛있는 음식을 해서 친구들에게 저녁을 챙겨주는 걸 좋아해요.
Masissneun eumsik-eul haeseo chingudeul-ege jeonyeog-eul chaenggyeojuneun geol johahae-yo.
I like making delicious food and serving dinner to my friends.

Long explanation:

'아/어/여 주다 [a/eo/yeo juda]' is a verb ending used in Korean to express the action of doing something for someone else. It is formed by attaching 아/어/여 to the stem of an action verb, followed by 주다. The resulting phrase conveys the idea of the subject performing the action on behalf of or for the benefit of someone else. This is often used to express kindness, favor, or doing something for someone else's convenience or benefit.

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