Japanese JLPT Grammar Point
Verb やすい (〜yasui)

Indicates that something is easy to do; 'easy to', 'easy for'.


Verb-stem + やすい



Kono hon wa yomiyasui desu.

This book is easy to read.


Kono shatsu wa kiyasui.

This shirt is easy to wear.


Kare wa hanashiyasui hito desu.

He is an easy person to talk to.


Kono ryouri wa tsukuriyasui.

This dish is easy to make.

Long Explanation

The やすい grammar point is used to express that something is easy to do or easy for someone. It is attached to the verb stem and can be translated as 'easy to' or 'easy for' in English. This formation is used with verbs only.

Detailed Grammar Notes

Processing keyword: Verb やすい (〜yasui)

Japanese Grammar Point: Verb やすい (〜yasui)

1. Introduction

Grammar Point: Verb やすい (〜やすい) Meaning: Indicates that an action is easy to do. The suffix 〜やすい attaches to the stem of a verb to express that something is easy to perform or tends to happen readily. It's a handy way to describe actions that are effortless or convenient.

2. Core Grammar Explanation

Detailed Explanation


  • 〜やすい (~yasui): Easy to do, tend to, likely to happen. When you want to convey that a certain action is easy or that something tends to occur, you use 〜やすい attached to the verb stem.



  1. Verb Stem + やすい How to get the Verb Stem:
  • For る-verbs (Ichidan verbs): Remove from the dictionary form.
    • Example: 食べる食べ
  • For う-verbs (Godan verbs): Change the vowel sound at the end to the corresponding vowel sound.
    • Example: 書く書き

Formation Diagram

Verb Dictionary Form Verb Stem + やすい Meaning
食べる (taberu) 食べ (tabe) 食べやすい Easy to eat
書く (kaku) 書き (kaki) 書きやすい Easy to write
分かる (wakaru) 分かり (wakari) 分かりやすい Easy to understand
忘れる (wasureru) 忘れ (wasure) 忘れやすい Easy to forget

Visual Aid: Verb Formation

Step-by-step to form 〜やすい:

  1. Start with the dictionary form of the verb.
  2. Find the verb stem.
    • For る-verbs: Remove .
    • For う-verbs: Change the ending u sound to i sound.
  3. Add やすい to the verb stem.

3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing 〜やすい with 〜にくい

  • 〜にくい (~nikui): Means hard to do, the opposite of 〜やすい.
    Expression Meaning
    読みやすい Easy to read
    読みにくい Hard to read

Avoiding Confusion with 安い (yasui)

  • 安い (yasui): An adjective meaning cheap.
  • Context is crucial since やすい can mean easy to do or cheap based on usage.
    • 食べやすい (easy to eat) vs. 安い食べ物 (cheap food).

4. Examples in Context

Formal Situations

  1. この本は漢字が少なくて読みやすいです。
    • Kono hon wa kanji ga sukunakute yomiyasui desu.
    • "This book has few kanji and is easy to read."
  2. 彼の講義は分かりやすいです。
    • Kare no kougi wa wakariyasui desu.
    • "His lectures are easy to understand."

Informal Conversations

  1. この靴は軽くて走りやすい。
    • Kono kutsu wa karukute hashiriyasui.
    • "These shoes are light and easy to run in."
  2. このペン、持ちやすいね。
    • Kono pen, mochiyasui ne.
    • "This pen is easy to hold, isn't it?"

Written Context

  1. このソファは汚れやすいので、注意してください。
    • Kono sofa wa yogoreyasui node, chuui shite kudasai.
    • "This sofa gets dirty easily, so please be careful."

Spoken Context

  1. 夏は食べ物が腐りやすいから、気をつけて。
    • Natsu wa tabemono ga kusariyasui kara, ki o tsukete.
    • "Food spoils easily in summer, so be careful."

5. Cultural Notes

Cultural Relevance

  • Politeness Levels: The use of 〜やすい doesn't inherently carry a politeness level. Adjust the politeness by conjugating the verb accordingly (using です/ます forms for formal speech).

Idiomatic Expressions

  • 風邪をひきやすい
    • Kaze o hikiyasui
    • "Prone to catching a cold."
  • 忘れやすい
    • Wasureyasui
    • "Forgetful" or "easy to forget."

6. Common Mistakes and Tips

Error Analysis

Common Mistake 1: Incorrect Verb Form

  • Incorrect: 行くやすい
  • Correct: 行きやすい Explanation: Use the verb stem (行き), not the dictionary form (行く).

Common Mistake 2: Confusing with 安い (cheap)

  • Incorrect Interpretation: 食べやすい as "food is cheap."
  • Correct Interpretation: 食べやすい means "easy to eat." Tip: Pay attention to context to distinguish between easy to do and cheap.

Learning Strategies

  • Mnemonic Device: Think of やすい as "yes, easy!" Both start with yas.
  • Practice Verb Stems: Regularly practice converting verbs to their stem forms to build confidence.

7. Summary and Review

Key Takeaways

  • 〜やすい is used to express that something is easy to do.
  • Attach やすい to the verb stem.
  • Be mindful of the context to avoid confusion with 安い (cheap).

Quick Recap Quiz

  1. How do you form the 〜やすい form of a verb?
    • Answer: Attach やすい to the verb stem.
  2. What does 読みやすい mean?
    • Answer: "Easy to read."
  3. Provide an example sentence using 〜やすい.
    • Example Answer: この町は地図があって歩きやすいです。
      • "This town has maps and is easy to walk around."

By understanding 〜やすい, you can better express ease and tendencies in actions, making your Japanese more natural and nuanced.

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